Chapter 9 - Habits

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Author's POV

"I'm done!!!!" Dara exclaimed in glee as she showed Bom the black neck pillow with heads of small bear attached on each end of it. "Do you think she'll like it?"

"She'll love it!" Bom cheerfully said as she slumped down the couch next to Dara. The two were both working on their customized gifts for CL. Dara decided to buy a neck pillow for CL since CL traveled a lot. She attached two small heads of bears on it to make it more personalize and since CL has a thing for bears. Bom on the other hand, bought CL a new white cap. She decided to draw different figures and words on it to make it look stylish.

"You know Chaerin loves personalize gifts. She used to give us handmade gifts too, remember?" Bom added.

"Ne, she made me a plush toy and she also gave us slip-on sneakers with an Ace and Queen of Spades painted on it after our debut." Dara said as she remembers the time CL surprised them with hand-painted sneakers she made with Xin's help.

" I suddenly miss living in the dorm with the girls. I used to hate it before but now that we're living apart from each other, now that we're not seeing each other as often as we used to, it made me feel a little lonely." Bom said somberly.

"Yeah, I miss it too. I'm gonna miss it more once I started living in the dorm again. And this time, I'm all by myself." Dara breathed out a sigh as she remembers YG's order for her to move back to 2ne1's dorm.

"You're moving back to our dorm? Why?" Bom asked as she shifted her position on the couch to face Dara fully.

"I was late on the shoot last time and turns out someone have informed Sajangnim about it. He wasn't quite pleased about what happened so he wanted me to move back to our dorm so I'll be closer to the site. But thankfully, omma convinced Sajangnim to let me stay a little bit longer in our home until she goes back to Busan. So I still have 2 weeks left before I'll be left all alone in our cold and dark apartment."

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there with you." Bom told Dara as she looked down on her lap with her fingers playing the hem of her shirt.

"It's okay Bommah, sooner or later, you girls will join me there right? We'll all live together again just like before." Dara said as she places her right hand on top of Bom's hand and smiled at her.

"Will we? Do you think we can still come back?" Bom asked wearing a worried expression on her face.

"Of course we will! Why can't we? Bommah, our blackjacks are still waiting for us. We'll be slaying the stage any time soon. Trust me." Dara encouragingly said squeezing Bom's hand in the process.

"What if people still hate me? What are we gonna do if they don't want to see me perform again?"

"Yah, how can they hate the kindest and the most lovable person I've ever met? It's been a year, I'm sure the issue has died down by now. They must have forgotten about it already. So stop moping around and get your moving cause we have a birthday party to attend to." Dara pushed herself up to stand and pulled Bom with her as well. "Brighten up Bommah, we can't have our leader sulking with us later. We have to do our best cheering our leader for her US debut. She must be pressured by now with all the preparation and expectations for her album."

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