Chapter 12 - Encounter

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Author's POV

It's been days since the incident at the dressing room happened but Dara can't seem to take the incident off of her mind. The word rebound kept on ringing inside her head and it sends a painful squeeze in her heart every single time she remembers that word.

"I'm just a rebound? Huh." Dara scoffed as she still can't believe the words those girls said against her.

"I'm boring? I'm just convenient?" she breathed out forcefully trying to calm herself down as she felt her heart racing in rage.

"Are you okay, Dara-yah?" Jjangmae asked from the driver's seat while looking at Dara through the rear view mirror.

"Eh?" Dara asked, confused with Jjangmae's question.

"You've been talking to yourself the whole ride and you looked like you're about to kill someone with that look on your face." Jjangmae explained while laughing.

"Oh, don't mind me. I'm just practicing some lines." Dara faked a smile and focused her eyes on the car's window.

They are on their way to 2ne1's dorm and by just thinking that she will be alone in their dorm made her feel more down. Just when she needed someone to talk to, someone to distract her from her thoughts, she had to move in to their old dorm and be left alone with her miserable self.

"We're here." Jjangmae announced as he parked the car and proceed to get off the car. Dara stay seated on her seat and contemplating whether to ask YG if she can just stay at her home instead of staying in the dorm. But as soon as her eyes landed on Jjangmae, she thought about him having a hard time going back and forth from her home to the filming site.

Dara can't help but laugh at herself for even having a time to think about other people's well-being when she herself is having a hard time as well.

"Aigoo, let's just get it over with. It will be just a few months Dara-yah. Once your filming is over, you can get out from this hell hole." Dara thought out loud trying to comfort herself. She got off the company van and went to the back to help Jjangmae unload her things.

As soon as they finished unloading her luggages from the car, the two proceed to walk their way to the elevator. Jjangmae's dragging four of Dara's luggages while Dara's pulling the remaining two.

The elevator dinged and the door slowly opened. Dara was about to step inside the lift but her steps were halted when she saw the person that was about to step out the elevator.

It was Jiyong.

Their eyes met for a second before Dara looked away and busied herself with her bags. Jiyong who noticed that Dara and Jjangmae have their hands full with luggages immediately stepped out to offer some help.

"Do you need help?" Jiyong asked Dara as he moved closer to her to get her things. He was about to grab Dara's luggage but was stopped when Dara moved away from him dragging her luggages inside the elevator. "No, I can handle this." Dara said in an icy tone without looking at him.

Jiyong was surprised with Dara's attitude. The last time they talked was at YG's rooftop. He thought at first that they're finally okay since Dara talked to him but after that day Dara ignored his calls and messages. He was left wondering what happened with Dara's sudden 360 change of attitude towards him. Was it because of what he asked her on the rooftop? Was it really too much to ask her to be friends again?

Jiyong was pulled out from his reverie when he heard Jjangmae's voice. "Jiyong-ah can you hold the elevator door for me?" Jiyong scampered to his feet and stepped inside the elevator to press the button.

As soon as Jjangmae is inside the lift, he pressed the floor where 2ne1's dorm is located. "Is Dara moving back to the dorm?" Jiyong asked from behind. He was standing at the back right side of the elevator while Dara was standing on the opposite side with her luggages sitting between them acting as a wall separating the two of them.

"Yeah, sajangnim asked her to move back since she'll be filming dramas in the coming months. How about you? Did you also move back in your apartment?"

"Ne, I'm working on bigbang's album right now. Figured it will be convenient to stay here for now since it's near YG."


Just hearing the word ticked something off Dara's nerves. Her grip on her luggage's handle tightened as she controls herself from fuming in anger. The words that she heard on the dressing room still lingers in her mind and no matter what she does, she just can't seem to shake it off. Even if she doesn't want to be affected by it, she can't help it. Cause those words may be groundless but may also hold the truth about the real reason why Jiyong suddenly came back from Japan.

And if it is the truth...

If Jiyong just really approached her just bec Kiko dumped him...

If all that happened between them this past few months was his way of getting her back again just because she's convenient...

Because she is just a rebound...

Just a replacement of her...

It would definitely kill her.



Dara felt a hand wrapped around her arms pulling her out from her trance. She felt herself being dragged by someone and when her sanity returned she was surprised to see that Jiyong was the one pulling her out the elevator.

Jiyong suddenly stopped walking making her stop too. "Are you okay? Are you not feeling well?" Jiyong asked with a worried expression on his face looking straight at Dara.

She saw Jiyong's hand making its way to her forehead but before Jiyong could even touch her, she stepped back glared at him and walked past him.

Jiyong was appaled by Dara's behavior. What the fuck? He had enough of her treating him that way when he had no idea what the hell is her problem with him. They've been in good terms until two weeks ago and then suddenly she's treating him like a trash.

Without further ado, Jiyong followed Dara to her dorm. With a few strides he made it just in time before Jjangmae closes the door. "Hyung, can you give us a minute? I just wanted to talk to her." Jiyong said as he held the door open urging Jjangmae to step out to give them some privacy.

Jjangmae looked back inside contemplating whether he should leave Dara alone with Jiyong. "Don't worry hyung, I won't do anything stupid. I just need to ask her some things." Jiyong pleaded looking straight to Jjangmae's eyes.

With no other choice, Jjangmae just released an exasperated sigh and called out to Dara before leaving. "Dara-yah, I'll just step out for a moment. Call me if you need anything."

"Thank you hyung." Jiyong said as Jjangmae stepped out and let him in.

Author's Note:

Annyeong yeoreobun!!! Did you miss me?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Miyanhae for being MIA for the past 4 years!!! Been just preoccupied with lots of stuff and I lost my notes where I put all the info that should be included in this story when I changed phones. TT_____TT

Sorry for making you wait all these years and thank you much for patiently waiting!

To my new subscribers, welcome!! To be my old subscribers, here's a long chap for you guys!!

Will not promise anything again but I will try to update and finish this story within the year.

Hope you'll stay with me til the end!!

ghostwriter is back!! Happy new year to you all!!


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