Chapter 3 - Regrets

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Author's Note:

Hi guys, my apologies for the late update!!

Forgive this ahjumma for being addicted in watching kdramas!!

There's just alot of new addicting dramas to watch. Miyanhe!!

Well anyways, here's the update for you all chingus!!

And please do watch the video i've attached on top when you're done reading the story :)

Enjoy reading!! Pyong!~

Dara's POV

After a day's rest, I'm back on working again. I just received a call from Jjangmae earlier, telling me that he'll pick me up from our house because Sajangnim wants to see me. Turns out, I was offered by one of Korea's top magazine company – Singles Magazine, to be their cover model for their Spring Edition. The photo shoot was scheduled next week at Singapore.

'Perfect Timing!' I thought. I was actually planning to ask Sajangnim for a quick vacation before I start all my activities next month. I really need some time away from all the chaos here. I need to be somewhere far far away here so I could clear my thoughts and have some peace of mind, especially now that Jiyong's back here in Korea. Any moment from now, we might run into each other again. I know myself that I can't always ignore him, not when he's with other people. Of course it will be rude to just greet his friends and ignore him. So I'm left with no choice but to try to be civil with him, when others are around – at least.

I was on my way to the dance studio to meet Jjangmae after my meeting with Sajangnim when I passed by the recording studio with its door slightly open. I stopped by the door and peek through the small opening and saw Seungri leaning on the wall at the left side of the room, with his arms crossed against his chest. He's wearing a scowl on his face and seems not happy about something. I remember Bom telling me that the Bigbang members will start recording their songs today. So if Seungri's here, so is Jiyong.

Thinking that Jiyong could also be there inside had me pulling myself from the door. I turned my back and was about to step away from the door when I heard someone called my name from the inside.

'Oh crap!' I thought to myself. Since someone from the inside already knows that I'm here I can't go on my way now. So with a heavy heart and after breathing in deeply, I turned my body around again and put a smile on my face before I push the door open and greeted everyone.

"Annyeong!" I greeted cheerfully.

"Annyeong noona!" Seungri greeted me back, waving at me while his back is still leaning on the wall.

I scan the room immediately as soon as I enter the studio. I saw Daesung seating on a couch at the corner of the room, in front of him are Youngbae and Seunghyun who are both seated in front of a long rectangular table with Youngbae browsing something from the laptop and Seunghyun busy fiddling his phone. I scan the room further expecting to see Jiyong in front of the multi-track mixing console where he's usually seated but surprisingly he's not there. I look at the live studio as well which was situated at the far end of the room but no one's inside.

Realizing Jiyong's not here, had me breathe out a sigh of relief and at the same time felt something I was not expecting to feel – disappointment? Why would I feel disappointed that he's not here?

My thoughts were interrupted when Seungri suddenly snatched something that I don't know I have been holding in my arms for too long.

"What's this noona? Is this a script?" Seungri asked as he inspects the book that he snatched from me.

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