Chapter 11 - Rebound

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This freaking 7 letter word was still stucked in my head ever since it left Jiyong's mouth couple of hours ago. We are now back in the venue yet my mind still wanders off to the event at the roof top. Everyone is celebrating and having the time of their lives while I'm the only one who looks stupid staring at nowhere in particular and seemed to be lost in trance.

Why am I so affected by Jiyong's question? So what if he wanted us to be friends? Isn't it what I wanted? For us to go back to the way we used to be? What the hell's wrong with me? What the hell's wrong with my heart? Why do I feel a painful squeeze everytime I recall Jiyong's last words at the rooftop? What the hell am I expecting him to say?

No! No Dara! You are not disappointed aren't you?


No, don't! Don't you even think about it! No way!!!


"Oh?" I was so lost in my own world that I didn't notice Minzy standing in front of me not until she tapped my shoulder lightly.


"Yes, I'm okay. How long have you been standing there?" I answered Minzy while I try to compose myself.

"I'm actually just passing when I heard you talking to yourself. Are you sure you're okay?" Minzy looked at me and placed her hand over my shoulder. I faked a laugh and told her that I was just practicing some lines for my drama. Thankfully, Minzy did not caught on to my lie and just went her way after telling me to loosen up and just had fun.

I breathed a sigh of relief and decided to join the girls and just had fun with them. I was about to go to where Bom and Chaerin were standing together with the Winner boys when I noticed Jiyong with the bigbang members laughing their asses off at the corner.

Heol. Seems like I'm the only one who's affected and bothered about what happened earlier. Well, I can't blame him. It's my fault for letting his words affect me. Again. I shouldn't have followed him there. I shouldn't have heard those words. I shouldn't have--

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when Jiyong suddenly turned his head to my direction and our eyes met. His laughter slowly died down and he smiled at me.

He smiled at me.

And he is still smiling at me.


I suddenly felt my body froze and my lungs stopped functioning momentarily.

What the hell???!! Yah!! Dara do something!!

I felt like I'm hyperventilating as I find it hard to breathe. I tried my best to move my body but it failed me. I can't imagine how stupid I look right now frozen on my spot.

Yah feet move!!! Now!!

Thankfully my body listened and my feet started moving away from where Jiyong is. My head automatically turned away not giving myself a chance to return Jiyong's smile. I hurriedly went over to where the girls are and immediately joined their conversation.

Jiyong must be so confused because of the way I acted earlier. I haven't given him an answer to his question because Seungri interrupted us when he barged in to the rooftop and pulled both of us back to the venue. I wonder what he's thinking right now. Is he waiting for my answer? But the way he laugh his ass off earlier, I think he has already forgotten the incident earlier.

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