Chapter 7 - The Plan

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Jiyong's POV

I woke up from the sound of my apartment's door bell ringing. I grunted and slowly opened my eyes and was greeted by the rays of the sun coming from my bed room's window. I shifted to my side and cover my face with my pillow trying to get back to sleep when the door bell rung again. I huff in annoyance and curse the person behind my apartment's door who ruined my sleep. I haven't had a good night sleep for months now not until today. Yeah, I really had slept comfortably today without nightmares that would constantly wake me up from my deep slumber. I suddenly remember the person behind my peaceful night.


Yes, we had a friendly and nice phone conversation earlier, the first phone conversation we had after we broke up. I really didn't expect for her to answer my call but I really am glad that she did. It somehow renewed my hope that maybe we could get things back together like it was before. Maybe, just maybe.

I was brought back from my reverie when I heard the door bell rung continuously. I reluctantly pulled myself up in a sitting position and ruffled my hair in annoyance. I get off my bed, and drag myself to the living room and prepare to shot profanities to whoever is behind my apartment's door.

I grabbed the door knob and twist it open and was greeted by the most annoying rat that has ever lived on earth wearing his navy blue bathrobe, yawning while scratching his messy hair.

I know I said earlier that I promise to be good to Seungri (read chapter 5: Phone Call) but this guy sure hell knows how to annoy a person and really is a trouble magnet. It took me all the energy that's left in me to stop myself from pounding this rat to death for disturbing my peaceful sleep.

"Annyeong hyung! Got something to eat here?" Seungri asked me as he passed by me and went straight to my kitchen as soon as I open the door.

"Yah! What are you doing here?!" I angrily asked him as I push the door close and follow him to the kitchen.

"I'm starving. Got nothing to eat in my apartment. My mom wasn't able to drop by yesterday to bring me my week's food supply cause she have to attend to her client." Seungri answered while inspecting the food inside my fridge.

I inhale a good amount of air to calm myself down. You should be in a good mood today Jiyong, don't let this stupid rat ruin your day. I breathed out a deep sigh and proceed to sit on the bar stool behind the island countertop.

"You should have just ordered some food to eat or might as well go to Youngbae's unit. He's got a lot of stock there; Hyorin just brought groceries for him yesterday." I told Seungri who's now preparing to cook the instant ramen he found on top of my refrigerator.

"You know I can't just go barge in there, who knows if Hyorin noona is still there or what she's wearing right now. Last time I went there, I was almost beaten to pulp by Youngbae hyung cause I ran into noona while she's just wearing nothing but Youngbae hyung's shirt. For now, this is the safest place I could be now that Dara noona's not living here anymore. At least I'm sure I won't run into your girlfriend only wearing you shirt. But seriously hyung, what's with your girlfriends having a thing with your shirts?"

I glared at Seungri and throw the place mat sitting on the countertop at him which he easily dodges.

"Wae?? I'm just asking."

"Why don't you get yourself a girlfriend and see if she's going to wear your shirt too. If she does, then ask her your question. Tsch."

"Aigoo, you really are no fun hyung. Oh, by the way, have you started planning on how you'll win Dara noona back?" Seungri asked me after he turned off the stove and place the pot on top of the pot holder setting it in between us. He then grab two pairs of chopsticks and two spoons before he settle himself on the bar stool across mine and handed me a pair chopstick and spoon.

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