Chapter 4 - Conversations

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Author's Note:

Hi guys, here's an update for you all!!

Please do ignore typos, error and grammars as I didn't have the time to edit this chapter.

I'm trying to post this update today before I go home so I practically typed whatever comes in my mind and post it as soon as I finish it.

I'm sparing you all today from too much drama I've made from the previous chapters.

This will be a little lighter chapter for you guys.

Enough with my rants.

Enjoy reading!!


Jiyong's POV

"Good job guys!" I said as I stood up from the swivel chair and made thumbs up sign as I face my members.

We're currently huddled up in the recording studio as we listen to our 2 new songs that we'll be releasing on the first week of May. Hyunsuk hyung decided to divide our album into 4 parts with two songs each and each album will be released a month after another. According to him, it will make our comeback more special and gain more impact to our fans. We decided to just go on with his plan since we knew that he knows what he's doing and his decisions ever since our debut brought us to where we are now.

"Are you on for another recording?" I asked my members placing both hands on my hips as I look down at them. But their all avoiding my eyes as they look anywhere but me.

"I think we should call it a day, Jiyong. It's already past 12 in the morning. You should all rest for now or your voices will end up strained. You've been recording for two weeks straight, man. Let your members rest for a day or two before you start recording again." Teddy hyung said beside me as he lean his back against the wall.

"It's still early hyung, we usually head home at 5 in the morning. We can still do a lot in those 5 hours. Besides, we only have 2 months left before our comeback. We have 4 more songs to record and MVs to shoot." I said pointedly looking at Teddy hyung and back to my members.

"Yah, they have other things to do aside from recording your songs. Let them rest for now or might as well let them eat dinner first. You haven't had dinner yourself. Are you planning to all kill yourself before your comeback?" Teddy hyung scolded me while crossing his arms across his chest.

I breathed out a sigh and raise my hands in defeat as I slumped myself down the swivel chair. "Arasso, arasso! Go grab something to eat before you head home. And be sure to be back here at 10am sharp tomorrow. We'll start recording Bang Bang Bang, practice your lines."

"Aren't you coming with us hyung?" Seungri asked me as he stood up from the couch.

"Ani, I'll listen to our songs again and see if I still need to add something." I replied turning my chair and began fiddling the buttons of the mixing console.

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