11 | Going Forward

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Three weeks ago

Melitta's awake.

The thought rang through Kain's mind like a temple bell. Each echo of the words seemed to strip something heavy from his heart, leaving behind warmth and relief in excess. It was enough that at first, he could only stop and study her, each detail easing the fear that'd consumed him since she'd first been struck down.

Her light golden locks hung over shoulders in waves, framing her too-pale face. Melitta's deep blue eyes, reminiscent of the ocean's heart that had been used to cure her, watched Callias as he spoke. The small smile she wore, and the way she didn't even seem to notice Kain's arrival, spoke leagues about how invested she was in whatever her brother was speaking about.

Bandages covered what skin Melitta's gown didn't hide, a realization that pricked his healing heart, but he forced himself to look past them and focus on the most important details.

Melitta was awake and talking. She wasn't going to die.

Isidor had said she wouldn't, but it was one thing to hear it, and another entirely to see it with his own eyes.

The thought pulled his attention to the other beds. Rhode rested with her eyes closed, her chest-length, black curls sprawled around her. Her tanned skin was pallid, but thankfully bandage-less.

The nightmare's cot was empty.


Something unidentifiable grasped his chest as Melitta's voice pulled his attention. At some point while he stared at the empty cot, Melitta had noticed his arrival and turned a smile in his direction. His realization only made that strange feeling stronger as he crossed the room to join them.

Callias nodded a greeting, but said nothing as he continued to focus on Melitta, as if he, too, was still soaking in the awareness that she had survived.

"Calli said you were fine, but it is a relief to see it myself," Melitta said, eyes seeming to sweep over Kain from head-to-toe. "You are well?"

"Left with nothing but bruises," he confirmed. "Yourself? Isidor said you would rest until morning."

An edge of wryness touched Melitta's smile. "I woke before he left. I believe from the grumbled words about merfolk as he checked me over, he might have forgotten to adjust for our recovery rate when inducing sleep."

A strange oversight for someone of Isidor's skill, but Kain simply nodded his understanding. There wasn't sense in questioning it. Rather, he was glad the estimate was wrong. Each word she said seemed to lift weights from his chest, leaving him feeling lighter than he had in days.

"Did he say everything was fine?"

"You're as bad as Calli," Melitta sighed. There was affection in her voice, however, so he took the statement as a compliment. "What is left of recovery will be finished by morning."

Her word choice felt off, but Kain smiled, letting his relief show. "I'm glad."

"As am I," Callias murmured.

"Isidor talked about being able to travel...?" Melitta questioned.

Kain hesitated. "I... won't force you two, if you aren't interested in continuing--"

"There's no force about it, Kain. We won't abandon this halfway," Melitta interrupted, giving a small shake of her head. "What has happened was horrible, but it only proves how dangerous it would be for you to continue alone."

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