43 | The Dancer

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A/N: Not quite the music being described, but definitely the vibe. 

"A pity we'll never know the truth from the legend," Kyril replied with a sniff. The words were more polite than before, perhaps because they were directed at the queen mother. That fell away as his eyes skipped to Kain."Unless, of course...His Highness knows something on the subject?"

Kyril paused for only a split-second, giving Kain no chance to add to the conversation before he continued with faux repentance. "Ah, my apologies if that's a rude request. I'd forgotten that the prince was raised outside the court."

Kain drew in a deep breath. His nerves felt like they'd been drawn to the point of snapping, but he forced his voice past his usual political anxiety. He had aimed his sword at nightmares and demons. Facing the spineless Duke of Levantis was nothing.

"Given that the misunderstanding started in your ignorance, I'll accept the apology," Kain replied. Perhaps it was the anger fueling his words, but somehow, his voice was free of any hesitance or stammer. A thrill of pleasure eased the knot in his chest as Kyril stiffened. "And in turn ask that you understand how little I can share about matters of state and religion. I can tell my own story, but sharing my mother's seems ill-advised, given her current position as regent. Whatever truth lies within the rumor is not for foreign ears."

Kyril opened his mouth, but just as the duke had interrupted before, Kain cut in after the barest pause. "Ah, I suppose that was a bit blunt. I don't have the layered talk of nobility down, unfortunately. As you said, I was raised outside of court. And Artemios was much more interested in military matters than court. Something I imagine you're familiar with, Duke? I heard our entertainment today comes as a celebration for your own accomplishments."

Kyril flushed with anger, but didn't immediately reply. As expected, there had to have been no accomplishments for him to brag with. Mara had implied as much during their conversation about the past. The nobleman who had been so interested in talking to Kyril before leaned closer to the table as his eyes lit with interest.

"So, it's true, then? You were raised by the Hero?"

Why did that sound like a title?

"Artemios acted as a father for me," Kain hedged.

"How intriguing," Kostantia mused. "You must have heard first hand about his adventures, then."


"Lord Callias of Cieon."

Kain breathed a sigh of relief as the announcement dragged the noble's attention away from him. While no one stood for Callias' entrance--his status didn't demand it--there were murmured greetings as the merman approached his seat at the top of their connecting table. Before sitting, however, he shifted into a deep bow.

"Greetings to the queen mother," he murmured. Kostantia offered a small nod in response, following which Callias slid into his seat.

Kain studied him quietly. He had elected to hang back from arriving with the rest of them in order to take advantage of the last day the archive would go unguarded. Whether Callias had discovered anything, Kain had no idea, given his expression had fallen back into it's usual default blankness.

"Lord Callias, was it?" Kostantia questioned.

Callias stiffened, his attention shifting away from Melitta and back to where the queen mother sat. "Yes, Your Majesty."

"Please, that's the reverence you offer a queen," Kostantia replied dismissively. Her studious attention seemed to skim Callias critically, lingering on his own, sea-blue gaze. "Lady Kostantia is fine. I noticed it before, but...you have beautiful eyes. Does that come from being one of the merfolk?"

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