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Two Weeks Ago

Kain's first choice of company would have been Rhode--but that was a poor idea for obvious reasons. Which is how he ended up outside the suite that had been gifted to Isidor and Natia. Given their faux status as doctor and apprentice, their rooms mirrored Kain and Melitta's.

A polite knock was met with Isidor opening the door, then sighing. What was quickly becoming a familiar annoyance colored his expression. "I had hoped I'd be left out of the schemes."

"Sorry," Kain said.

"No you're not," Isidor retorted. "Come in."

He stepped to the side. Kain moved past him, eyes skimming the room. Curled up on a chair was a brown wolf. As he studied her, Natia's ears flicked back, tail curling around her feet. Had the idea of being alone made her nervous? Whatever the reason for her presence, it was encouraging to know Natia was comfortable with at least one of them.

Kain's attention returned to Isidor as the witch shut the door behind them.

"I wanted you to join me to look for..." Kain hesitated. Her name would mean nothing to Isidor, not really. But what else was he supposed to call her? His friend? "Someone I know. I thought a doctor would be a good idea."

Isidor frowned, then glanced over his shoulder at Natia. "You coming?"

The wolf's ears perked forward as she lifted her head. A full minute passed as she thought, before she leapt from the chair and padded over to the door.

"Guess that's a yes," Isidor surmised. "Let's go."

Having accomplished his goal much faster than he thought possible, Kain simply nodded and started back out into the hall. He paused outside the door, realizing that he had no true idea of where to start their search. Before he could form a plan, Natia's shoulder pressed against his leg, drawing Kain's attention. He shuddered, unable to stop the reflexive response to her unsettling violet eyes, but didn't pull away from the touch.

One of the wolf's ears had flopped over, while the other was still perked in attention. Her curious gaze formed the barest recesses of a plan in the back of his mind.

"Natia, do you remember that man that visited us in the dungeons?" he questioned.

She bared her teeth and growled. Kain laughed.

"Good. Do you think you would recognize his scent if we could find it?"

Her tail drew slow waves through the air as the wolf took another long minute to think. The seconds felt heavy, as if each moment she weighed invisible thoughts were important beyond their circumstances. Then, finally, she nodded and lowered her nose to the long, crimson rug that decorated the length of the hall.

"We can retrace my steps," he decided, glancing at Isidor to confirm the plan. "Presumably Kyril visited the king recently enough for her to scent. It seems the safest bet."

The witch shrugged, silently agreeing. So, Kain began walking. Natia lagged behind for a moment, investigating each door of the hall, before she sprinted ahead. Her nose switched between the air and the carpet, taking in every bit of information available. It drew a smile to Kain's lips. Either Natia had developed a sudden interest in the world around her, or she was determined to do an excellent job with his request. Either way, it was a pleasant development when it came to her shy demeanor.

As they explored, Kain struggled to find familiar aspects to the palace halls. His walk the previous day was overshadowed in his memories by the overwhelming mix of emotions that'd laced his entire body. He'd been far too bothered by the meeting with Alekos, and Kyril's obsession, to pay any attention to his surroundings.

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