12 | Asha

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Three weeks ago


Rhode met Kain's stare and a deep flush began creeping into her cheeks. Her pale-knuckled fingers curled into the skirt of her dress. He realized, then, that there was something else in the embarrassment staining her expression. Wariness, perhaps? Fear? Uncertainty?

"Rhode?" Melitta prompted, voice soft.

Despite the lack of accusation in the tone, Rhode still took a step back as she released her skirt with one hand, instead wrapping it around her middle. Something's wrong.

"Wait, did the lot of you not know?" Isidor asked.

Kain didn't answer, his thoughts focused on the mystery in front of them.

Rhode's fear was reasonable.

If the 'Asha' Isidor was referring to was the infamous "killer" queen, there were many people, and reactions, to fear.

Kain was too young to have experienced it himself, but he'd heard from Artemios that Akaikos' death had split Eol in a devastating way. Akaikos had been a man of the people, and in the years since, Eolian nobility had flourished while the common folk starved. Many wistfully remembered the king and queen as they had been--royalty who stood in bread lines to distribute to the poor, bright minds who created laws that had since been torn apart by greed--and were suspicious when blame fell to Asha. But, there had been witnesses and evidence, so the people accepted it, and chose to hate someone they had formally hailed as a saint.

It was unlikely that the common sentiment had changed given how much suffering they'd experienced. If Rhode truly was Asha, and it became common knowledge, disaster could only follow.

So, the wariness made sense.

But what was the rest of her expression? Embarrassment felt out of place. As did the overwhelming feeling of uncertainty that seemed to fill her. He was missing something.

"I-I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" Kain echoed, confused.

Before Rhode could offer anything else--if she had even intended to--there was the sound of shifting fabric and Callias' soft murmur of his sister's name. Kain glanced over his shoulder to find Melitta struggling to her feet. Shaking off Callias' concerned hand, she slowly approached the siren.

"Whatever you are thinking, Rhode, it is fine. You do not have to tell us the story if you are unwilling. I am only glad this came out now, before our lack of knowledge would have created danger."

Rhode flinched. "Unintentionally."

Melitta's features softened in understanding. Even Callias' expression seemed to say he'd picked up what had escaped Kain. Rhode, seeming to read this in his face, slid her hand up from her middle to shift short curls away from her cheek.

"It is a long story," she murmured. "One I would share if I could. But, without Dalphie..."

"Have you seen her?" Kain asked, remembering his previous concern.

"That's--" Rhode hesitated. It was a strange sight. Usually, confidence laced every one of the siren's actions. At the moment, however, she looked to be struggling.

"I wouldn't worry," Melitta cut in, her eyes flicking towards Kain. "Dalphie is likely fine. Inna was seen here, recently, right? The goddess probably took Dalphie with her."

Rhode nodded, grateful. "That's...likely the case."

"Share what you feel comfortable with, Rhode," Melitta continued. "Whether that is nothing, or everything you can remember, no one here will judge. We all have our secrets."

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