09 | The Court

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'Don't raise your head unless told otherwise.'

Keeping Eumelia's warning in mind, Iliana kept her head ducked as she stayed in the curtsy. Minutes past, extending beyond proper etiquette. Her muscles burned. Still, she stayed proper.

Eventually, Zuher laughed. "Seems my pet has learned a new trick. Rise."

The first thing she saw when she raised her head was the smirk he wore. It took everything she had not to sneer in response.

'Don't speak unless asked.'

She busied herself with the details. It was the only thing that held her tongue while Zuher studied her bemusedly.

His check rested against his palm, fingers curled against the skin just below his eye. He wore different, but similar clothing to the last time they met, confirming her guess that more than a day had passed. Well, that was assuming he wore the same thing all day.

There was no food on the table, leaving him plenty of room to spread his other arm over the wooden surface. His nails tapped a soft pattern that felt like drums in the silence.

"Shame. I was looking forward to what you might say. Had the whole evening planned and everything," he mused after several extended minutes. She mentally shuddered as possibilities for what could have happened flooded her mind. "Come here."

Reluctance slowed her steps as she forced herself forward. His gaze felt sharp as any blade, watching her unblinkingly as she approached until there was but a few inches between her and the edge of the table.

"I was wrong, before," he mused aloud. "You rival Sarai when clean. I didn't say stop. Come here."

He meant for her to come around the table. Iliana's every instinct screamed at her not to put herself within arms' length of that demon. But, she shoved it down. At this moment, survival meant ignoring herself, something she was thankfully good at doing. She felt eyes on her from all directions as she turned, and slowly followed his order.

Her path took her past the red-haired noblewoman. Who, at this distance, she realized was nearly identical to Nicolet. Either they were twins, or eerily similar siblings. Regardless, it suddenly made sense why he'd been so annoyed with her earlier. She'd shoved Iliana at the entrance to the hall--it would've been dangerous if Zuher had taken offense.

When she reached Zuher, she paused just out of arms' reach. He clicked his tongue, but didn't urge her forward this time. Instead, he opted for leaning away from the table so he could seize her arm with a bruising grip. She bit back a wince, and the urge to pull away, as he jerked her the last foot forward.

"You'll attend me for meals," he announced aloud.

"Don't you have servants for that?" she asked before the thought had fully formed.

Thankfully, he didn't seem insulted. Instead, he released her arm and leaned back in his chair once more. His arms settled along the sides of his throne.

"Of course I've serving slaves," he replied, amused. "But, what point is there in using them, when I could have a siren? Plus, it means dessert is only a step away."

She shuddered as his words sunk into her heart, nearly stopping it with fear. Gods, he truly meant to use her as a living blood bag. She'd known it, of course she'd known it, but hearing it aloud was nearly enough to loosen her tongue, binding or no binding.


He laughed, a toothy smile on his lips. "Oh, she says. Where did that sharp tongue go, I wonder? Lost in the dark? Did you dull it on the companion I sent you? I picked him out carefully, you know. I decided my pet deserved nothing but the best beauty and wit to keep her sane."

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