22 | Two Weeks

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Zuher's words sunk into her chest, easing fear's grip from her heart.

A new room. If he was bothering to move her, that likely meant her new quarters would be free of the dark. Gods she hoped she was right. Her hands trembled as she clasped them in front of her stomach, attempting to hide the relief flooding her body.

"What are you doing?" Zuher demanded.

Iliana stiffened. Had she done something wrong?

Her attention refocused, and she realized the emperor wasn't looking at her. Instead, his eyes were centered on Del and Lykos. The latter had offered the prince his hand, which he used to reach his feet. Neither of them looked surprised at the irritation that had suddenly entered Zuher's voice.

"We provided your show," Del said.

Zuher scoffed, leaning back in his chair. The lighthearted issue of Iliana's room appeared far from his mind as he studied the two of them, before flicking his hand through the air. "I never said you were finished."

Iliana bit the inside of her cheek. Pointing out to Zuher that unless they were dueling to the death, no honorable nobleman took a duel beyond first blood, seemed like a pointless endeavor. He no doubt knew that, and was choosing to ignore the matter. Del's previous words flooded her mind.

'So you want to see me cut up again. Or, you want her to see it.'

Zuher's bet had distracted her from the real issue at play. This wasn't a typical duel. He was either aiming to make a point, or to punish them for some perceived slight. Neither result would be reached by something as simple as first blood.

"Go again," Zuher ordered.

Iliana's nails dug into the back of her hand as Del and Lykos drew to opposing sides of the circle. For the second time that afternoon, a murmur echoed through the courtyard, before they sprung at each other. Blow after blow was exchanged--the clash of metal ringing through the air for endless minutes--before Lykos landed a heavy kick to Del's chest, that sent him sprawling across the stones. Crimson colored the ground beneath his hands as the tip of Lykos' blade settled beneath his chin.

"I--" Del began.


Zuher's words cut Del off with chilling intent. As Del heaved himself to his feet and the combat resumed, Iliana's heart began to stutter with unsettling suspicion.

Lykos won again, this time with a slice to Del's hip. His greater stamina was beginning to show. Before they could relax, the call of 'again' froze the air. Each time they approached an end, one of them gaining a lead over the other, Zuher would order them to resume.

Even as the sun crept higher in the sky, gathering beads of sweat across Iliana's brow, the fight continued. The audience watched in taut silence. Iliana drew as close to the circle as she dared, only Zuher's eyes keeping her from launching herself beyond the black stones.

Then, it happened.

Del stumbled, the tip of his sword catching on the rough courtyard. The sickening slash of metal through flesh sounded, Lykos diverting what might've been a killing blow at last second. Instead, his blade dug through the thick of Del's thigh, sending the prince to his knees. Crimson poured from the gash, matting his pants the same shade that dominated most of his body.

As Del struggled for breath, Lykos straightened. At some point, he'd lost his shirt. Or perhaps it'd become too shredded to continue using. Regardless, his newly rescarred chest was coated with a thin sheen of sweat. He, too, was caked with blood, but not near as bad. And as Iliana watched, Lykos rested his blade laid against his leg, his steel gaze meeting Zuher's. He said nothing, but the question was clear.

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