06 | Thorns

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Zuher was holding another gathering.

Of all the news Aria could possibly have come bearing, Iliana hadn't expected it to be that. Of course, such events were common at court during the social season--which Aria confirmed it to be when Iliana bothered to ask. Balls, dinners, salons, and the rest were the nobility's way of trading information amongst rapidly shifting alliances. During the right months, she could remember Mara barely having time to rest between events.

Still, after the last disastrous evening, Iliana hadn't expected to be forced through another so soon. Especially when they couldn't have known she would be conscious.

"Aatami will be by soon to check on your health," Aria explained. "But, given the tight timeline, I'm to escort you to meet with the dressmakers to check on the state of your gown before your meeting."

"I don't see the point," Iliana complained, knowing it was useless. "We're in the middle of a wasteland. Why exactly is he holding a flower viewing?"

"Zuher isn't hosting," Aria explained patiently. "The To-Be Duchess--Lady Rae Zavitika--is. She simply has His Imperial Majesty's backing. You're required to attend as his representative amongst the ladies."

Iliana grimaced. Of course the duty fell to her--Zuher didn't have a mistress or empress. Gods, according to the rumors he didn't even have a lover to take the role. To her chagrin, she didn't know anything about his family behind Asha, so she couldn't suggest another name to fill her place.

"Flower viewings are as important as council meetings for some," Del volunteered, seeming to read the continued argument on her face. "It's a place to show off your knowledge, while trading rumors and establishing your place amongst the others of your stature."

"I know fuck all about flowers," Iliana groaned.

"Then, you would be better off staying quiet when possible," Aria suggested. Again, her tone was patient, as if Iliana's frustrations were simple words in the wind. "Lady Zavitika will be looking for a reason to embarrass you."

Lady Zavitika.

It sunk in, then, that this would be her first time facing Rae with the knowledge and memories that now swirled through her head. It hadn't clicked in the moment--fates, it hadn't clicked until just then, but Melitta had known the demon.

Melitta had hated her.

Shallow, manipulative, and attention-seeking--those had been the mermaid's kindest opinions of Rae in those short moments Iliana had grasped amongst the confusion of memories. And while she didn't know the reasons behind the opinions, she could guess.

It had been Rae that caused Callias to be strung up in that final scene before their human deaths. But, it had been Melitta who had sacrificed her freedom to take him down.

With a reluctant farewell to Del and a million thoughts on her mind, Iliana was carted away to be primped and preened. The bath, at least, was a welcome detour as it allowed her to finally clear away the blood and sweat caking her frame--all before being shoved into a gown and poked with needles until she bled to the tailor's satisfaction.

"You'll have it by tomorrow, Milady."

Aatami was next. The visit was quieter than expected--perhaps because of Aria at her shoulder. The anxious witch spun from one task to the next, pulling out bottles and pressing their fingers against various parts of her body as they weighed the impact of her confinement on her health.

"You need proper meals," they mumbled while rubbing fingers against their bruised temple. "Water. Real sleep, not unconsciousness. Sunlight. Exercise. You've shrunk to practically two-thirds your size since arrival and there wasn't much of you to begin with."

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