48 | Shock

558 45 43

Before Kain's mind could fully comprehend what was happening, Melitta was at his side. Her eyes seemed to take the situation in within a second. She slipped past them into the hall, eyes skimming the empty passage.

"Get her inside before someone comes," Melitta urged him. "I'll grab Isidor."

Kain nodded and urged Mara to her feet. Her entire frame seemed to shake, but somehow, she managed to stand. He led her to the closest chair, before allowing her to collapse once again. Tears stained her cheeks as he pried the knife from her grip, afraid that she might hurt herself with all the shaking. He dropped it on the coffee table, before focusing on the woman herself.

An emptiness seemed to have filled her gaze. As if she were only half present for what was happening around her.

Was it shock?

"What happened?" Kain questioned. He kept his voice gentle. Scaring her would likely do the opposite of what they needed in that moment.

She stared at her hands. There wasn't a single indication that she had heard him, let alone intended to respond.

"Mara," he tried again. "What happened? Who's blood is this? Yours?"

Slowly, she shook her head.


Hesitation, then another shake of her head.

Something uneasy unfurled in the back of his mind. The situation of Mara appearing with blood on her had been wrong to begin with--but, unconsciously, Kain had been prepared for it ever since their talk in the city. When she'd pushed him away, the duchess had held the air of a cornered animal.

And even the softest of creatures would strike out when left with no other options.

Only, he had thought it would be Kyril that would take the blow. After all, who else was an option?

"Your maid?"

This time, her denial was rapid. She rubbed her hands on her dress as if it could remove the blood covering her fingers. He racked his memory for another name as Mara's trembling seemed to slow, some realization reaching her mind.


The door opened behind them and Mara jumped. Her eyes shot to the sound, before she slumped in the chair. Kain didn't need to look to know it was Melitta and Isidor. Her relief made it obvious.

"Kain," she repeated, eyes going back to him. Guilt and fear weighed her face. "I...I shouldn't have come here. I'm sorry. You--I couldn't think of anyone else in the palace. And I couldn't think of how to get out on my own. I just...I couldn't think."

His heart began to race, that uneasy feeling blossoming into fear.

"What did you do, Mara?"

Isidor was by her side before she could answer Kain's question. He laid a glowing hand on Mara's shoulder, then drew in a sharp breath. His eyes narrowed.

"I see, now, why you wouldn't let me touch you before."

Mara grimaced. "I'm sorry."

At Kain's questioning look, Isidor scowled. "She's full of poison."

His mind blanked. Poison?

From Isidor's statement, it couldn't have been something that just happened. Otherwise he wouldn't have referenced the last time Kain urged him to treat her. But, if that was the case, wouldn't he have noticed? There'd been no signs.

No, he realized, there had. The illness. The questions of if she was pregnant. The weight loss.

"It's not enough to kill her," Isidor continued, the glow around his hand seeming to strengthen. "It seems to have been stretched out over a long period, giving her body the chance to adjust. But, this last dose was stronger, wasn't it?"

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