'Guilt Or Anger?'

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It was the next day around 7pm and avneet reached café blue on her bike

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It was the next day around 7pm and avneet reached café blue on her bike. She was in a little of a bad mood today as someone decided to slash her tires in university and she had to wait in the work shop for 2 hours for it to be done. She parked her bike, got off and took off her helmet while groaning.

"never thought I'd come here to study" she muttered under her breath when she saw the huge colorful board which had 'cafe blue' written on it.

She rolled her eyes as she went near the closed glass door and the delicious, soothing smell of coffee+chocolate hit her nostrils as soon as she opened the door. She took deep breath and smiled. She always loved the way this place smelled. It smelled like heaven. The only bad thing about this place was that you had to get reservations before coming here because this place was always packed with people.

She went near the counter and saw a girl in her 20s in a pantsuit sitting on a chair and was doing some work.

"excuse me?" and the girl looked up hearing her voice.

"hello, how may I help you?" she asked with a smile on her face.

"I made reservations yesterday for two people by the name of avneet Kaur" avneet politely replied.

"let me check real quick" and she started typing something on the computer in front of her and after a few seconds, she looked up at avneet. "I am sorry ma'am but there is no reservations made by your name"

Avneet made a confused face, "that's not possible, I made reservations yesterday at 8 pm. I even have the message of approval from it" and she took out her phone and showed it to the girl and she made a guilty face.

She again looked into her computer and then looked at avneet with a sorry face, "ma'am, I am so sorry, there must be some technical issues because at 8 pm yesterday, someone named aarush malik made reservations for two"

And as soon as she heard his name, her blood boiled, "you mean aarush Aditya malik?" she asked while gritting her teeth and the girl nodded her head.

"I'm so sorry ma'am, I would give his table to you but I heard his father is a very big person or something like that and I would give you another table but we're packed today" the girl apologized and avneet sighed, trying to control her anger.

"ah, it's ok. I'll get going" she said and exited the Cafe because she knew if she stayed there for any minute longer, a big scene would've been created in which she would've been beating the hell out of him. She took out a cigarette from the packet which was in her jeans. She put the cigarette between her lips and took out her lighter and lit the bottom of it. She took a few puffs and exhaled out the smoke. She went near her bike while still smoking the cigarette and rested her back on it. She decided to wait for siddharth as when he comes, they could go to another location to study and as they didn't even have each other's numbers, there was no other way to tell him.

Maybe In The Future... -sidneetWhere stories live. Discover now