'smokin party'

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I didnt say anything

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I didnt say anything. If i said even a word, it would result in me cursing, i was that angry.

I felt him hold my hand tigher as He continued, "i was a pretty tough kid myself so i didnt let it get to me, but nobody there actually knew me. Meant nobody would come to help me. Being the dumbass that i am, i beat up a kid on my first day there just because i was so angry at my father....and he turned out to be bestfriend with every dangerous guy there. Then everything started. I would randomly get beaten up in the middle of the night. I couldnt walk for days because of the pain. They would beat me up with wood and metal bars. All of them would do it at the same time and i couldnt do shit to stop them. I would starve myself for days and just to be in my dorm. I moved my bed infront of my door so no one could come in. I spent 2 years like that. I went there when i was 16 and came back when i turned 18, and then i joined the university. Nobody knows what happened there, not my father, not my mother, not my bhai. These tattoos and scars are from that time and i would do anything in my power to get them off my body because i hate them. I hate the guy that i was. And i cant even complain because i obviously deserved it"

By the time he was finised, i was biting back a sob. I knew my eyes were filled with tears but i didnt cry. I didnt want him to feel like i was pitying him. And i wasnt. I was just so damn angry.

Nothing comforting to say was coming to my mind except one thing. So i said it.

"I love you"

And his face shot up to mine.

A tear slipped out of my eye as i tried my best to control my sob.

"What did you just say?" His voice trembled in the end. He started back away from me, "No no no no no, you're-you're supposed to be disgusted by me. You're just-just say-saying that because you f-feel bad for me-" i stopped him before he goes into a panic attack.

"Baby, what did i just say?" My hand went to his shirt collar and i pulled him closer to the bed.

"T-that you l-love me" he whispered and the vulnerability in his tone broke me.

"Hm, what did i just say?" I repeated the same question as i brought him even closer to me by his collar.

"T-that you love me" a smile was plastered on my lips now but my eyes kept on leaking.

"And what does that mean? Repeat it baby" my voice was covered with lust and seduction by now and im sure even a deaf person could hear it.

my hand went to his waist and brought his body closer to mine as i laid back down slowly on the bed and bringing him down with me.

My face was near his ear and his face was buried in my neck. I could feel his unsteady and harsh bearthing in my neck and it was turning me the f*ck on.

More than i already am.

My one hand was on the back of his head and one was on his chest.

"That you love me"

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