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The next morning

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The next morning

it was around 11 am in the morning and avneet was in her living room just randomly scrolling on her Instagram feed when she got a message.

her heart skipped a beat when she saw it was from him and unconsciously, she opened it and started reading.

'hey, I don't know if you got my note yesterday since you didn't message or anything but if you didn't, I took your notebook and did your homework and also, there is the accounting test on Monday so you can learn the things I marked so ya' - Mr dumbass tutor

she smiled as she started to type the reply,

'aww, you did my homework?' - avneet

But as soon as she was about to press the send button, her mind started replaying the talk she had with herself and with her 2 persons containing group.

her smile immediately dropped. She deleted the message and instead, typed,

'um knew phone, who dis?' - avneet.

'oh its siddharth, this is avneets number right?' - Mr dumbass Tutor.

'Siddharth who??' - avneet

'um siddharth Nigam, the guy who's tutoring you?' - Mr dumbass Tutor.

She sighed as she quickly changed his name on her phone as it kept making her smile.

'ohhhh it is you! I seemed to have forgotten the time where either you became my boyfriend or my father because the first one is non existent and the second one died a long time ago' - avneet

She sighed as she hit the send button again. She just tried to imagine this was just an another guy she was trying to get rid of and not someone whom she was just...... Well very close to going head over heels for.

'oh, I'm sorry about that' - guy.

She let out a chuckle. Of course this was his response. All sweet and considerate. And Yea, she knew 'guy' isn't the best name but nothing would come to her mind so she thought to cut herself some slack.

'🙄' - avneet.

'uh did you get my note?' - guy

She knew he was trying to make small talk or was just trying to find a reason to talk to her and even though she wanted to as well but she had to keep up the act and not say anything.....She has normally been saying to him.

'yes' - avneet.

Her only option left was to give him one word or short answers so he would get the hint that she does not want to talk.

'you didn't message me though' - guy

'you don't know how much my heart wanted to all night and just talk to you but I guess that ain't happening' she thought as she let out a forced chuckle, typed a b*tchy answer again and sent it. But, for some reason, she couldn't think of any good insult. Like she knew all these insults and b*tchy answers were lame.

Maybe In The Future... -sidneetWhere stories live. Discover now