'so, no Sorry'

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They finally reached the hospital and Siddharth hurriedly got out with a very bleeding avneet in his arms

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They finally reached the hospital and Siddharth hurriedly got out with a very bleeding avneet in his arms. Abhishek parked the car in front of the hospital gate not giving a shit to the guard who was yelling at him to not park here.

"WE NEED A DOCTOR HERE!" manjul shouted as they all went inside the hospital and 3 to 4 doctors rushed to them.

"what happened to her?" the doctor asked them in a hurried tone.

"s-she just f-fainted. W-We were in a fight and w-we think she i-is having a concussion" vaishnavi stuttered a little bit as her vision was getting a little blurry and she felt like crying after seeing avneet in that condition.

Abhishek noticed vaishnavis condition and dragged a chair near her. "hey, sit" he told her as he shook her shoulder a little bit.

"no no, I'm f-fine" she gulped her tears down and tried to clear her vision by slightly shaking her head.

"sit, it's okay" and abhishek forcefully made her sit on the chair.

"bring her to the emergency room and you all, look at them" the doctor said the first part to siddharth and the last part to the other 2 doctors. Siddharth nodded and they both rushed to the emergency room. "put her down here" the doctor pointed at the bed and he gently put her body on the bed.

The doctor took out his small torch, opened her closed eyes and checked them.

"she has a concussion. I'm going to run a few tests like an MRI and a CT scan to make sure she has no bleeding or bruising on her brain. you can wait outside. I'll call you in once its done"

"but-" Siddharth protested but the doctor was already pushing him out of the ER.

He took a last glance at avneet and then the doctor shut the door in his face.

Siddharth looked at his hands and his hoodie which had avneets blood on them. He sighed as he looked here and there to find everyone.

"excuse me?" he heard someone say from behind him and when he turned around, he saw the same 2 doctors from before. "you are with ritika, vaishnavi and avneet, right?" one of them asked him and he just nodded his head.

"we have shifted them in to a proper room. They are getting an IV right now and will be finished after 3 hours then you can take them home and we can't say anything for avneet right now as Dr. Jay is running the tests but someone needs to fill out the forms and pay the bill" the same doctor said. Siddharth nodded and said,

"I'll go fill the forms and pay the bill" and then made way towards the reception. "may I please have the bill of avneet Kaur, vaishnavi Rao and ritika badiani?" he asked the receptionist and she nodded. After a few seconds, she handed him the bill, 3 forms and said,

"these are the forms that you will need to fill. It has all of the information that the hospital needs about their patients"

He nodded, "thankyou" and went to the waiting area and sat down on one of the metal benches. He started to fill as much as he could like their age, name and........ That was pretty much it? He knew nothing about them. He sighed as he looked at the 3 almost empty forms.

Maybe In The Future... -sidneetWhere stories live. Discover now