'the nose bleed'

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the next day at 4 pm

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the next day at 4 pm

Nobody's pov: 

it was around 4 pm in the afternoon and siddharth was at avneets house and they both were sitting in the living room silently doing their homework.

actually, they were doing each others homework as avneet thought it would be fun but siddharth knew her intentions and said 'you just want me to do your homework because my hand writing is good and yours basically suck and then you will also copy what I have written' and avneet just rolled her eyes in response to the absolutely correct comment. 

avneet was shamelessly copying what siddharth was writing in her copy but her eyes widen when she saw a few drops of blood fall on the page. she looked up in a snap. 

"shit, not now" he groaned as he rolled his eyes and tilted his head backwards as he pinched the bone part of his nose to stop the bleeding but by now, blood was all over his hands and face. 

"what the actual f*ck? why the f*ck are you bleeding?!!! what the f*ck happened??!!!!" she panicked as she got up from her place and he almost chuckled at the sudden launch of curses in one line. 

"its nothing! relax. its just a normal nose bleed. I have been getting them since I was 5. its in my genes" he explained calmly to not freak her out even more than she already is. 

"ARE YOU CRAZY!! how can you say its nothing!!! nothing is 'nothing' when there is f*cking blood oozing out of your nose like a f*cking waterfall!!!" she literally exploded in a panicky voice and then started to look here and there for something that could stop the blood coming out from his nose. "w-wh-what do you need me to do? you want me to call an a-ambulance? d-do you need an ice p-pack? do y-you need a towel? does it h-hurt? h-how much does it hurt?" she bombed him with questions, stammering a little in between as well. 

"avneet avneet avneet, you need to relax. its not a big deal" he said calmly when he saw her panicking too much.

his head was still tilted back and was resting on the back of the couch. 

her eyes were about to come out from their sockets, "are you seriously telling me that this blood coming out of your nose for every second for the past 5 minutes is not a big deal?!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. "wait, let me get you some tissues and an ice pack" and before he could protest, she ran out of there and entered the kitchen.

she opened the fridge with a jerk and took out the ice pack and picked up the box of tissues from the counter as she ran back to living room. "here!" she said as she forwarded the ice pack and the box of tissues in her hands. 

he sighed, "sit first" 

"I am not sitting! take this-" he cut her off, 

"avneet, I am not taking anything until you sit here first and take a deep breath" she glared at him and he just shrugged. she unwillingly sat down. "now take a deep breath" 

Maybe In The Future... -sidneetWhere stories live. Discover now