'the charity dance'

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it was the time of the charity dance

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it was the time of the charity dance. 

at least 4 people were selected to bid on. one of them was abhishek as he was the host of the event. 

"so, if I am not wrong, on our date, other girl, no no, other ridiculously rich and beautiful girls are going to bid on you, oh I am sorry, no, on the chairmen of the most richest company in india who coincidentally happens to be very attractive, is that it?" vaishnavi asked in confusion with a little hint of jealousy in her tone.

abhishek was about to say something when avneet snickered.  

"jealousy is not a good color on you, babe" 

vaishnavi looked at her with a sarcastic smile, "you can gladly go f*ck yourself, okay?"

Avneet smirked "I have my boy for that who isn't going to dance with other girls on our date"

vaishnavi raised her eyebrow at abhishek and he glared at avneet, "real helpful, thankyou so much" and she smiled big and sweetly at him, 

"my pleasure Mr. Atlantix, ooh look, 50 girls are already lined up by the stage-" abhishek picked up a small stool and pretended to hit avneet "okay okay! jeez, I am going" and she ran away from there. 

abhishek looked at her and took a deep breath, "it was not my choice, I swear! I have to do it because I am the host and-" he was cut off by vaishnavi laughing.

his eyes widened, "why are you laughing? are you going to yell at me?" the horror was clear on his face.

"dude, you need to relax. its alright. I admit I am a little jelly but its fine. plus, I have a plan" she grinned in the end. 

he made a confused face, "what plan?"

her smirk grew wider "you better not step on my toes, rich boy" as she finished her 7th glass of champagne. 

"babe! ritika just texted me, she went home" avneet said to vaishnavi as she made way towards her

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"babe! ritika just texted me, she went home" avneet said to vaishnavi as she made way towards her. 

"why tho?" she asked in a confused tone and avneet shrugged. 

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