'Beautiful Yet Devil Like'

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The next day

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The next day

It was around 4:14 pm in the afternoon and Siddharth was parking his car in front of avneets house. he was kind of hurrying because he was exact 14 minutes late and he didn't want her to think that he ditched her, again. he was about to turn off his car when he heard someone knock on his window. he looked to his right and saw it was a man in his late 50s. as soon as siddharth rolled down his window, the man started shouting at him. 

"you can't park here!!! it clearly says do not park in front of the house! teenagers like you are all the same! they never listen to any-" siddharth nervously cut him off, 

"b-but I am here t-to meet-" the man interrupted him, 

"no no, you're not here to meet anyone. I know what your type of guy's intentions are. now get lost before I call the police-" he got cut off by someone, 

"saleem uncle! its fine! I know him, let him live" saleem uncle looked back and saw that it was avneet standing at her door and was laughing. saleem uncle nodded at avneet and looked back at siddharth, gave him a glare and then went from there. siddharth let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding and finally turned off his car and got out. 

as usual, he was wearing a blue hoodie and black sweat pants and he was also wearing his hood.

he saw avneet walk inside her house, leaving the door open for him. he let out a nervous breath as he moved towards the door and knocked on the already open door. 

"can I come in" he asked as he peaked his head inside and saw avneet walking away from the door and turned her head around while chuckling but then put on a serious face,

"no, you're 14 minutes late. You're time is up. Get lost before I call Saleem Uncle" and she said that so seriously that he actually believed it.

His face fell "o-oh, I'm sorry. I-I'll get going" and he was about to turn around to leave when she called him

"Siddharth! Dude I was joking. yes, obviously you can come in. I opened that door for you to come in only, dumbass" she said with a goofy smile on her lips, finding it a tiny bit cute that he actually believed her and was even going to leave.

"oh, you were joking. Haha" he nervously laughed in the end and she chuckled at that.

"come on in and close the door behind you" he nodded and closed the door. She started walking towards the TV lounge and he followed her. They both entered the TV lounge.

"you can sit here. I'll bring the shitty books" she said the last line with a disgusted face and pointed at the pretty big L shaped white couch. He nodded and sat on the couch. While she was bringing her books from her room, siddharth looked around the room and saw video games CDs scattered on the coffee table and 2 controllers were lying beside them. He saw the CD of injustice 2 and smiled.

Maybe In The Future... -sidneetWhere stories live. Discover now