'it's her'

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Later that night at 11 pm

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Later that night at 11 pm....

Avneet was sitting on her bed with her legs crossed and her eyes were glued to Siddharths contact number and was at a war with her herself about whether she should message him or not.

                         Avneet Kaur

Should I message him?

Should I message him?

Should I message him?

Should I message him?

Should I message him?


I think this self asking shit ain't working.

Which one of my stupids told me to listen to my heart?

Was it rits or vaishu?

Ah don't care cause my heart or mind ain't telling me shit right now.

Like it's just sounds so f*cking dumb when people say 'listen to your heart' or 'your heart knows what's best for you'

how in the world am I supposed to make my f*cking organ speak?????

I'm so freaking frustrated right now cause I have been staring at his contact for the past 20 minutes, trying to figure out whether I should message him or not???

I mean come on, he is doing such big favor for me like teaching me and God knows I am the worst student in the entire world and he also made that delicious pasta for me.......

OK you know what? F*ck it.

I was never the type that thinks this much and even vaishu and ritika says that my brain is unused so let's keep it that way.

And yea, I remember that I told him to leave a message when he reaches home. Yea, that should've been a nice conversation starter but I don't see anything in my inbox, if I'm not f*cking blind and it has been 5 f*cking hours!

You know what, f*ck it.

'hey, your football thing went okay?' - avneet

Really avneet?

Football thing?

I seriously am getting even more dumber than that dumbass who makes really good pasta and looks really good and has really nice looking lips and has that 'shit I'm going to die' eyes and-

I think I am gonna stop here before I think of the 3 incidents which happened-

f*ck!! I'm thinking of the incidents again!!!

I quickly checked if he had seen it or not and thankgod he didn't so I quickly deleted it. I typed another conversation starter and sent it.

'hey, you reached home safely?' - avneet

Maybe In The Future... -sidneetWhere stories live. Discover now