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~ Straight hair, Straight A's, Straight forward ~

Elizabeth Stark, daughter of Pepper Potts and Tony Stark. She inherited her mother's looks and punctuality, and her father's brains and personality. Some call her a stubborn pain in the ass that's too smart for her own good. Pepper likes to call her, her fathers daughter. She's a genius, graduated high school at fourteen before following in her father's footsteps and attending MIT. Elizabeth is now 16 in her third year of college.

The one thing she didn't get from her father was his title of 'play boy', while her looks were enticing to boys, especially the older ones in college, Elizabeth's brutal honesty (a thing she got from both her parents) tends to scare them off. She has two super close friends, one in college, his name is Micky and he is the definition of a gay best friend. The other is MJ, she goes to Midtown High, a high school for the gifted in Queens New York. She has a boyfriend too, he's older, and her parents don't know about him. He has a brother that goes to Midtown too, I think his name is Flash?

Elizabeth has what most people would see as a perfect life. Rich, amazing parents, great friends, a great boyfriend, a top-notch brain, and an amazing future laid out for her. She was going to do her best to keep it that way, keep her friends happy, her boyfriend happy, her family happy, and the press happy.


"Hey Reggie," Elizabeth says as she walks into her dorm. She sets her stuff down next to the door as it slowly swings closed.

"Hey babe," Regan replies looking up from his phone as Elizabeth sits on his lap immediately wrapping her arms around his neck placing her head on his shoulder. Regan was a freshman, he was also that older boyfriend I was telling you about. "How was your day?"

"Absolutely exhausting," She replies closing her eyes just as her phone starts to ring. She groans and she takes her phone out of her pocket to check the caller id. "Shit it's my dad," She says sitting up and answering the phone before Regan could say anything.

"Hey Daddy, I'm not leaving until tomorrow what's up?"

"Well I was just checking in, I got some new information about your stay, figured I should warn you before you got here,"

"Ok, what do I need to be warned about?" She asks before noticing the worried look on Regan's face. She shakes her head telling him not to worry as her father fills her in.

"Well, Fury might have wanted the team to bond more, in hope of making is work together better on missions," A beat of silence. "So I may have said they could live at the tower,"

"They're what?" Elizabeth asked wanting to make sure she heard her father right.

"Living at the tower?"

"What happened Eliza?" Regan speaks before she could say anything. She quickly covers his mouth hoping her father wouldn't notice, but he did.

"honey? is someone with you?"

"Yeah dad it's just Mick, I'll fill him in and we'll see you tomorrow ok?"

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow, love you, baby,"

"Love you too Daddy," She replies before hanging up the phone.

"When are you going to tell him?" Regan asked after Eliza removed her hand from his mouth.

"I promise we can tell him before Christmas," Eliza said looking at Regan who had a slight look of disappointment on his face. "Look I know you don't like hiding this, I don't either but do you know what would happen if my parents found out I was dating someone two years older than me? They would flip,"

"Ok, ok," Regan said with a sigh. "I can wait a little longer,"

"Thank you," Eliza smiled placing a quick kiss on his lips.

"What was that all about by the way?"

"Oh, the phone call?" Eliza asked pointing to her phone. Regan nods his head. "The Avengers have moved into the tower, I'm spending my Christmas break with a bunch of strangers,"

Hello, Hello, Hello, to all the people who could have sworn they've read this before I promise you, you haven't. Little Miss Perfect is back in action with new plot ideas, new character twists, and a whole new reality. I am so excited for this re-vamp, so far I already feel a lot better about it than the original. Anyway, I've pre-written some chapters to kick off this new but old story so please continue reading, and Enjoy! :) ~ M

Little Miss perfect ~ Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now