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Eliza couldn’t get her floor mate out of her head. Every where she went Natasha was there. This had never happened before, not even with her current boyfriend. She thought maybe she should take it as a hint, but she was confused. Currently she was sitting on her floor with Sam, Clint, and Mick, the three boys were talking, Eliza was sitting lost in thought.  

“Is she ok?” Clint asks Mick looking as Eliza who was staring at the floor.

“She has a lot that goes through her mind,” Mick says knowing that she was thinking, just not knowing about what. “ She’s in an interesting situation,”

“It’s not the boyfriend is it?” Sam asks looking at the Girl. “trouble in paradise?” 

“Nah there good, they were just talking yesterday,” Mick says. Now all three pairs of eyes were looking at Eliza. “She just thinks about a lot of things,” the trio falls into silence for a moment before Eliza popped up to her feet. 

“I have to talk to dad, ill be back,” she says before walking towards the elevator and taking it down to the lab. Getting into the lab Eliza sees her father talking to Bruce. She takes that moment to re think her actions.

Was this really something she wanted to talk to her dad about?

Before she knew it Bruce was back on the other side of the lab and Tony was trying to get her attention. 

“Is everything alright sweet heart?” Tony asks giving his daughter a concerned look. 

“Yeah, i’ve just ive been thinking,” She sasy walking over to her fathers lab table. “I have a question,” 

“Go for it, I am a genius after all,"

“What would you say,” she lets out a breath. “If I said I was gay, that i like girls,” they’re silent for a moment, Tony looks up at his daughter. 

“You… have a boyfriend,” Tony says looking at Eliza. “How can you be gay?” Eliza freezes, she didn’t know what she was expecting but this wasn’t it. 

“No, no youre right,” She says shaking her head. “It was hypothetical anyway, just curious,” she says shooting her father a smile. She starts to back away from the table still looking at her father. 

“Liz are you ok?” Tony asks looking slightly worried. 

“Yeah,” she says clasping her hands in front of her. “Perfectly fine,” she says giving her father one more smile before walking out of the lab. She lets out a breath as she walks away. Her thoughts were racing, she was confused, and her fathers words didnt really help. 

She really wanted to punch a wall. 

Then she remembered what Steve had said, and so she went to look for him. She new that he wouldn’t understand her thoughts or feelings, but he didn’t need to, and she didn’t much feel like bruising her knuckles today. 


“Whoa slow down there,” Bucky says to Eliza after she almost runs into him on her search for Steve. 

“Oh my gosh sorry,” She says stopping and taking a small step back. 

“What with the rush? Is everything ok?” Bucky asks bending down a little to look the girl in the eyes. 

“Yeah no everythings fine, i was just looking for Steve,” the girl says attempting to give her best smile. “Have you seen him?” 

“He was just called out for a mission maybe 20 minutes ago,” Bucky says looking at his watch. “Is there something you need help with?”

Little Miss perfect ~ Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now