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"you wanna hang out?" Eliza asks popping down on her couch next to the red headed assasin.

"Don't you have friends for that? " Natasha asks giving Eliza a slight side eye.

The girl let's out a small sigh. "The birds are great don't me wrong, and so is mick but there.... Guys," she says grabbing the tv remote and changing the channel. "And MJ is working today so she's not free, but then I though I have a perfectly good roomie that I know nothing about," Eliza fully looks at Nat now. After her conversation with Bucky Eliza decided to just let it be, if she didn't think about Nat that way then nothing would happen. Natasha narrowed her eyes slightly at the girl.

"I have to do my work out, and then do some shopping, but ater the yeah," The assassin says ater a moment. Eliza freezes thinking she would've had to do more to get teh girl to say yes.


"Yeah, i mean, you get less annoying the more youre around,"

"Wow," Eliza says sitting back into the couch crossing her legs underneath her. "I'm surprised," she says. "Like very surprised, you're like a recluse, i don't know why your super hero name is black widow, i think they got the wrong bug,"

"I can take it back you know," Natasha says small smile on her face as she stands up to leave the room.

"Ok, i'm shutting up now,"


"Oh hey you're back," Eliza says walking into the kitchen on her floor. She goes to the fridge getting a drink as Nat puts boxes in the cabinets.

"Yeah, I didn't have that much I needed to get,"

"Nice, nice, nice," Eliza replies noticing a bowl of fruit in the fridge, she grabs that too. "What do you want to do tonight?"

"You don't have an Idea?" Eliza shrugs her shoulders watching Nat put stuff away while eating her fruit.

"I do have these," she says walking to a cabinet across the room and opening the door to show Nat.

"Aren't you underage?" Nat asks looking at the handful of beers sitting in the cabinet. Again Eliza shrugs.

"Have you met my father? Besides I'm a teenager, I go to parties all the time,"

" Aren't there cameras everywhere? And an A.I. in the walls?"

"Firday likes me better," Eliza says walking back over to her bowl of fruit. Nat lets out a small chuckle as she looks at the girl. "What is there something on my face?" Eliza asks as she looks up at Nat who was still staring at her.

"No, you're just different,"

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Eliza says putting a strawberry in her mouth as she watches Nats brows furrow slightly.

"I don't know," She looks away from Eliza turning back to her task.


"It is so absolutely confusing," Nat says as she repeatedly punches the bag Bucky was holding. "I don't even know the girl and her father is an annoying. Arrogant. Pretentious. Asshole." She says punctuating each adjective with a hit.

"It sounds to me like you need to not base opinions on people's fathers,"

"How can I not? She is so like him and so... Not at the same time,"

"Then get to know her," Bucky says as Nat continues to hit the bag. "Aren't you hanging out with her tonight?"

"Yeah but I've been trying to think about ways to cancel, I don't want something stupid to happen, "

Little Miss perfect ~ Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now