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"Miss Stark the pizza has arrived," Jarvis stated turning the Christmas music down a little.

"Thanks, J," Eliza replied stepping down off the ladder and walking towards the elevator. "Hey, this is going to be a lot of pizzas can someone come help?" she asks now walking backward.

"Yeah, I'll come," Bucky replies walking over from where he was working. The Duo walks into the elevator standing silently next to each other for a second. "So your only 16?"

"Yeah, graduated early, got into MIT, it's the Stark genes," Eliza says with a shrug.

"That's really impressive though,"

"Yeah I guess," she says shrugging again.

"You don't seem too happy," Bucky notes.

"I don't really want to get into it," Eliza says looking at her feet.

"Ok then," Bucky says looking at the ground as well. "Got any hobbies?"

"Singing," Eliza replies. "Dancing too, but mostly singing,"

"That's cool, I used to be quite the dancer myself when I was your age," Bucky said making Eliza look up.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure you danced with all the girls in the 40s,"

"Hell yeah," Bucky replied causing Eliza to laugh. "I was quite the charmer back then, just ask Steve,"

"Something tells me that wouldn't go down well," Eliza replies as they walk through the elevator doors. "I don't think he likes me much," she clarifies before walking up to the pizza man. She pays him and sends him on his way before taking a stack of pizzas.

"Oh he will, just give him a day or two," Bucky says grabbing the rest of the pizzas. "A friend of ours from the 40s just passed, he's having a rough time,"

"I'll make sure to give him a second chance then," Eliza says as the elevator doors close sending the duo on their way up to the rest of the group.


"Pizza," Eliza says as she walks out of the elevator with Bucky. "Oh, shit there's more people,"

"Watch your language Lizzy," Pepper says walking over to help her daughter.

"Sorry mama," she replies walking further into the room and setting the boxes down on a table. "so... who do we have here," Eliza says looking around the room. "Two bird brains, two 100-year-old men, speedy, witchy, jolly green giant," she says looking at people, not waiting for them to approve of the nicknames. "Red," she says stopping at Nat.

"Don't call me red," she says with a small shake of her head.

"But dad calls you red,"

"your father likes to toe the line," she replies.

"She is not someone you want to piss off," Clint says walking in front of Eliza going straight or the pizza.

"Do you always think with your stomach?" Eliza asks dropping the topic of names. Clint freezes before looking at Eliza.

"yes, I do," he replies before taking his pizza and returning to his spot across the room.


The group remained decorating for the rest of the day, loudly singing Christmas songs and having fun. Eventually, the night wound down and the small group sat in the main room around the fireplace just chatting.

"Oh oh you should sing us something," Pepper says looking at her daughter who sat on the floor across from her.

"No mom not tonight," Eliza replies mentally cringing at the topic her mother just brought up.

"Come on you do it every year," Pepper continues. "At least one please," Eliza looked around at the face of those surrounding her and gave in.

"Fine," she sighs getting up and grabbing her guitar from the corner.

(I was gonna do a lyric thing, butttt it's a well-known song, and I don't really feel like its necessary especially since the song is linked above :) )

"Wow, baby Stark has bars!" Sam says once Eliza finished singing making the girl chuckle.

"Thanks, Sam," She says with a smile getting up to put the guitar back. She turned around pausing when she saw a red-headed girl standing in the doorway. Their eyes meet briefly before the assassin turns walking down the hallway and disappearing into the elevator. Eliza shakes off the weird thoughts that crossed her mind as she walked back to her seat falling back into a happy conversation with the group.

A/N: Hehehehehehehe so I'm back, sorry it's taken me so long to update omg. I've also realized that I have taken so long to update this story that it is no longer Christmas time in the real world, so that's a thing. Now I'm literally sweltering just sitting down and writing this. Fun news though, there will be more updates coming to this story (obviously), I will also be updating my Daveed Diggs one more, I'll really be updating everything more. I am also excited to say I've got two new stories I am currently workshopping and setting up, these two however are from a totally new fandom, I'll let you guess if you want. Anyway, I hope you guys have an absolutely amazing day and I will update again probably tomorrow!! Love Y'all! ~ M

P.S. eat something... yes I'm talking to you person that hasn't eaten anything all day, and go to sleep too... yeah you whos currently reading this at like 3:30 in the morning, get some sleep. Love you :)

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