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"Holy shit," Eliza said quietly only to get elbowed by her father. In front of her stood Steve Rodgers, Bucky Barnes, and Bruce Banner. The last of which was least frightening. "Uh, sorry, Hi, I'm Elizabeth Stark. You can call me Eliza,  or Lizzy if you want," 

"You have a daughter?" Steve asks looking at Tony, something told Eliza they didn't get along well. 

"Surprise?" Tony says with a sheepish smile. Sensing the awkward tension Eliza decided it was time for her to go. 

"Well, I'm going to go, mom said we can start decorating, so that's probably what we'll be doing if you want to join," Eliza sends her dad one last smile before backing away from the table. once she's a safe distance away she turns around stopping an instant before running into Natasha Romanoff. "Shit, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Eliza says as she maneuvers around Natasha only to trip on a pile of her father's scraps. Luckily for her,  Eliza was able to swiftly roll out of it walking to the elevator without looking back. The doors to the elevator opened upon her arrival and soon enough the sound of her father's snickering disappeared.


"You will not believe what just happened," Eliza said walking out of the elevator into the main room. 

"What happened?" Micky asked turning around from the box he was pulling. 

"Do I get to know?" Pepper asks walking out of the dining room.

"Oh,  It's just school stuff," Eliza says waving it off. "I'll fill you in later," She says directing it at Micky before helping pull out boxes. "Hey, Jarvis?" She asks the A.I.

"Yes favorite Stark," The Robot replies making Pepper stop in her tracks. 

"Don't let your father hear that, he'll throw a fit," Eliza laughs even though she knows her mother is telling the truth. 

"Play my Christmas playlist J, thanks," She says with a smile pulling some decorations out of the first box. 


Eliza was currently standing on a step ladder decorating the Christmas tree, while Micky dances around the room, occasionally hanging something up. 

"Mamma, did we get a new tree?" She asks stepping down off the latter and looking up at it. "I swear this one is bigger than when I decorated it last year,"

"No we did not get a new tree, but you know how your dad is," Just then the elevator doors open with a dinge, and two men walkout. 

"What is going on up here?" One of them asks trailing off when he saw Micky and Eliza. "Sorry to interrupt," He says. Eliza looks at them seeing how the blond's eyes lit up at the sight of Christmas decorations. 

"No it's fine," Eliza says turning down the music. "I'm Eliza, and this is my friend Micky," She says gesturing to Mick who was sitting on the floor going through a box of ornaments. 

"I'm Sam," One of the men says the Blond still looking around the room in wonder. 

"How did you get Stark to let you do all this?" He says. "Oh, I'm Clint by the way," 

"Nice to meet you, I'm actually a Stark," Eliza says grabbing another box of ornaments. "My dad's kind of a pushover when it comes to me,"

"Yeah, he let her paint his nails once," Micky says not looking up. 

"I was like eight," She argues with a shrug. 

"And how old are you now?" Sam asks looking at her.

"I'm sixteen, seventeen in June,"

"So you're still in high school? Why haven't we seen you around here before?" 

"I go to school in Massachusetts," Eliza replies with a small smile. 

"Massachusetts?" Clint asks with a confused face. "I'm not the smartest on the team by far, but that doesn't sound right,"

"Massachusetts Institute of Technology, like I said, I'm a Stark," She says before turning back to the tree. "You guys can help if you want," She says looking back at the men. "I know my dad can be kind of stuck up so for the next two weeks plan to have some actual fun,"

"Ooh," Sam Says looking towards Clint. "I think we're going to like her,"


Over the next couple of hours, the group decorated the living room dancing to the Christmas music blasting through the speakers. In the lab, the group of five avengers were wrapping up their conversation. 

"What is all that noise?" Steve asked for the third time completely baffled. 

"That would be Eliza," Tony said standing up. "She likes Christmas decorating, and music,"

"Well, she should turn it down," 

"Well you should mind your own damn business, she was living here before you were, so she can do whatever she damn well pleases," Tony says while the others watch. "Now if this situation is all cleared up I'm going to go spend time with my daughter before she has to leave again," He says walking towards the elevator Natasha following after him. 

A/N: Whoaaa not me being totally radio silent...sorry...

I will be updating this bad boy plenty over the next couple of days, my family doesn't really celebrate Christmas, so I have some extra time on my hands. I also have another story I'm working on that is from different fandom entirely, I decided I needed to change it up some what, so you can be looking for that, it will be coming out in the New Year, I will also be bringing my Clint Barton story back int he new year (Hopefully) and bringing some of the Hawkeye series into that eventually. 

Anyway, enough about me, I hope you all drank some water today and ate some food. I hope you spent some time outdoors and with friends and or family. A little piece of advice, if it's late where you are, go to sleep.  If it is extremely early where you are, go to sleep. You need sleep to live. I hope you all have a merry Christmas, and happy holidays for whatever it is you celebrate :) ~M 

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