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"Well, don't you look cute today," Pepper says as Eliza walks into the room the next morning.

"thank you mama," the girl responds with a bright smile.

"is that your fathers jacket?" Pepper asks noticing the leather around the girls shoulders.

"that is my jacket, why are you wearing my jacket?" Tony says walking into the room behind his daughter.

"ok well in my defense you haven't worn it in like 20 years,"

"you haven't been alive for 20 years,"

"I would let her keep it," Sam say walking in behind Tony. "Looks better on her then it would on you," he says walking over to the table where more of the team was gathering for breakfast. Tony looks at Sam before looking back at his daughter.

"You heard the man," She says with a shrug and a smirk. Tony narrows his eyes at the girl as she makes her way over to the table.

"She's right, you haven't worn it," pepper says passing her husband walking over to the table.

"You're supposed to be on my side,"


" So you've really never tried putting magnets on your arm?" Eliza asks Bucky as the group eats.


"I call bullshit," Sam says from his spot next to the team.

"language," Steve says before turning back to his conversation with Pepper.

"I'm sorry did he just?"

" he says it slips out," Clint says as Thor reaches across the table to put more food on his plate.

"This is so weird,"

"I know dude eats like a maniac," Clint says watching Thor eat more food. "you never get used to it,"

"no, no, its not that," Eliza says looking at her food and then the people around her. Clint looks at the teen slightly confused waiting for her to finish her thought. "I don't think there have ever been this many people around this table at once, its always just been the three of us,"

"ah well we'll get out of your hair soon enough,"

"No no its not bad," The girl says shooting Clint a smile. "It's just different, kind of refreshing actually," Looking around the table noticing the separate conversations and smiling faces of the people around her. "Is it like this when you're...?" the girl trails off looking back at Clint hoping he could finish her thought for her.

"oh yeah, with Nat and the two little ones, and her. Its great, never a quiet moment," Eliza smiles to herself at his words.

"Eliza where is Mick at?" Pepper asks from the end of the table.

"Oh he left yesterday to visit family for a couple days, he'll be back before Christmas," she said shooting her mother a smile before getting swept into conversation yet again with the people around her.


 "Hey Nat," Eliza says with a smile a couple days later.

"Stark," Nat replies with a nod and a smile. Eliza walks into the kitchen on her shared floor grabbing her water bottle to fill it. "What are you up to today?" the red head asks walking into the room. The two had become great friends over the past couple of days, thoroughly confusing Eliza's father who still very rarely got reactions out of the red head.

"I got a practice with Steve," She replies screwing the lid onto her water bottle. "Going to finally learn how to punch properly. y'know not fracture a knuckle,"

Little Miss perfect ~ Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now