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Dinner time rolled around at the tower quicker than the small group in the main room thought. Clint, Sam, Micky, and the Starks were busy decorating the main room Christmas music blasting loud. The room was filled with stories, thoughts, jokes, and laughs as the group slowly made progress. Needless to say, the group got caught off guard when the elevator dinged and two super soldiers walked through. 

"What in the Actual Fuck?" Bucky says looking around the room at all the shiny decorations and empty boxes. 

"Language Buck," Steve scolded like he was someone's parent. "Jarvis, can you turn the music down?" Jarvis replies by turning down the music. This action was immediately met with yelling. 

"Clint I told you not to mess with my music!" Eliza shouts turning around from where she was standing putting tinsel on the wall. 

"I didn't touch it this time I swear," Clint says in return immediately putting his hands up as Eliza storms over to him. Slowly she turns around believing his statement/ 

"Sammmm!" She yells before stopping and seeing the two super soldiers.  "Oh, hi," 

"Hi doll," Bucky says with a sweet smile on his face knowing that they were going to get along great. 

"Where's Tony, your father," Steve says no hint of humor in his voice. 

"Umm, I know who Tony is, I'm 16, not an idiot," Eliza says giving the duo an innocent smile. 

"Well, where is he?"

"Wow for a dude raised in the 40s I thought you would have better manners," Eliza says causing a look of confusion to cross Steve's face. "What's the magic word Dumbo?"

"Ok now that's rude," Eliza's jaw drops as she looks back at Micky giving him a 'is this dude serious?' look. Tony suddenly walks out of the kitchen. 

"Jesus Rogers, what's crawled up your ass today? your killing the Christmas cheer,"

"Well your daughter is being a little brat," Steve says looking at Tony. 

"Oh please I just wanted you to say please, isn't that right?" Eliza says looking to the other people in the room to back her up. All of them nod their head even Bucky who didn't even know the girl. 

"Sorry Capcicle your outnumbered," Tony says with a shrug before dragging another box of ornaments towards the tree. "What do you want?"

"You need to stop this foolishness," Steve says gesturing around the room. Tony looks around dumbfounded.

"What foolishness? I think the room looks pretty good if I do say so myself," he says before looking at Steve. "Which I do say so,"

"This is unprofessional, we're the aveng-"

"Ah ah ah," Tony cuts Steve off with a finger. "This is our home," He says gesturing to himself Pepper, and Eliza. "And even if it wasn't, I own the building. So if I want to decorate for Christmas I will. And personally, I don't give a rat's ass if you find it unprofessional or not. So you can either leave or put your big boy pants on and deal with it," Tony turns back around continuing to decorate the tree. Steve rolls his eyes before walking towards the elevator. 

"Come on Buck," he says. Bucky turns around following him towards the elevator. He stops as Steve enters the elevator turning around. He sees the group in the main room back to having fun with the music up and looks back to Steve who had an expectant look on his face. Bucky shakes his head as the elevator door closes before turning back to the group who was decorating. 

"Mind if I join?" he says quietly barely being able to be heard from over the music. Eliza turns around almost immediately though. 

"No not at all," She says with a smile on her face. "Is everyone here cool with Pizza?" She asks turning back to the group. Everyone nods their head. "J see if everyone else in the tower is cool with Pizza, even Mr. Rogers," A moment of silence passed before the A.I spoke. 

"It appears that everyone agrees."

"Ok then go ahead and order the usual for everybody," she says before turning around to continue decorating. 

A/N: I was supposed to post this yesterday and Steve won't be an ass hole for much longer, maybe a couple of chapters idk I haven't decided yet. 

I hope yall had a great day :) ~M 

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