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“Morning karate girl" Eliza says walking past the assassin on her way to the elevator.

“I told you not to call me that,” Nat replies sitting on the couch not looking away from the tv screen.

“I don’t really care,” Eliza says with a shrug. Nat looks at her.

“You know I’m an assassin that could kill you in your sleep,” Nat says tilting her head slightly.

“Is that supposed to make me scared of you?” The girl asks stepping into the elevator. “Cause its not working,” she says before the elevator doors close in ront of her. Nat blinks at the elevator doors before turning back to her show a slight smirk on her face.


“So what are we doing today?” Sam asks as Eliza walks towards the kitchenon the main floor.

“One how did you know I was going to be here and two I’m going christmas shopping with Mick,”

“One because i can read your mind, and two i’m coming with,”

“Uhm says who?” Eliza asks getting a mug out and making a cup of coffee.

“Uhm, says me,”

“You can’t just invite your self to plans with my friends,”

“Why nooot,” Sam says whining like a kid. “This place is so boring,”

“You act like you’re being kept prisoner, youre free to leave and wander,” Eliza says sitting down at the counter. “Go hang out with Steve and Bucky,” Eliza says with a shrug.

“Steve and Buck?” Sam asks with a confused look. “Why would I do that? I mean i Dont even like bucky, i mean steves ok i gues,s but bucky? And them together, its just,”

“Ok that sounds like something that needs to be unpacked,” Elilza says gesturing to Sam as a whole with her hands. “I do not however have time for it at this moment soo we’re going to put it on the to-do list aand circle back to it later,” She says making slightly over the top hand movements for emphasis.

“What are we circling back to?” Clint says grabbing a cup of coffee and sitting next to Eliza.

“What ever is going on between Sam, Steve, and Bucky,”

“Youve noticed that too,” Clint asks with wide eyes.

“Has it been going on longer then the half a week Ive been here?”

“Oh girl,” Clint says giving Eliza a look. “Its been going on a lot longer,”

“Oh my god no way,”

“Oh yes way,”

“Do I even want to know whats happening?” Tony asks walking into the room Steve coming in a second later.

“Mornign daddy,” She says with a smile. “Steve,” she says with a nod, choosing not to mension how he got lost in a building with an A.I. Clint looks over his shoulder at Tony giving him a look.

“Did they just say something to eachother that didn’t include insults?” Tony asks in a low voice.


“I still think you should tell him everything,” Mick says as the duo walks through down town new york. Eliza lets out a sigh.

“I know you do, and I’ll tell him eventually, just not yet,” She says looking at the ground. “One thing at a time yeah?”

“Yeah but he didn’t react badly about the boyfriend so maybe thats a sign,” Mick says giving eliza a look.

“Look it’s not like i’m totally dropping out, like I’m going to finish the year, that gives me a whole other semester to figure out how to tell him,”

Little Miss perfect ~ Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now