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“Soo little stark has a boyfriend?” Sam says as Eliza walks out of her fathers lab a while later.

“Were you eaves dropping?” Eliza asks with a questioning look. “How? The walls are noise proof,” Sam wordlessly points up at the ceiling as Clint drops out of one of the vents. “Creepy,” Eliza says before walking down the hall towards the elevator. The two birds started following along behind the girl both bored out of their minds.

“You know, i didn’t mean to eaves drop, i was just hanging out and it sort of happened,” Clint says with a shrug.

“Sure,” Eliza says as they wait not even two minutes for the elevator. “How did you even get up there, you’re a little short to be able to jump up there,”

“Hey, I’m 6 foot thank you very much,” he says as the duo follows Eliza out of the elevator on her floor.

“If you call 5’8’’ 6 foot then sure,” Nat says walking past the trio towards her room.

“Ok Nat, that was uncalled for,” Clint says looking in her direction.

“Why exactly are you two following me?” Eliaza asks as the sits herself on the couch turning the tv on.

“Because this place is so boring,” Sam groans plopping himself on one side of Eliza.

“Yeah, these people don’t know how to spend their time,” Clint says putting himself on the other side of Eliza.

“Well I can’t say I’ll be much better,” Eliza says finding a show and turning it on. The trio is silent or a momnet before Sam speaks up again.

“I still want to know about the boyfriend,”

“He’s a boyfriend whats there to know,” Eliza says not looking away from the screen.

“Yeah but he’s older then you,” Clint says.

“And a college boy,” Sam adds. Eliza looks from Sam to Clint.

“You two aren’t going to let this go are you?”

“Nope,” they say at the same time. Eliza rolls her eyes pausing her show as the two birds start asking questions about her life.


“Oh my god I’m so sorry,” Eliza says as she collides with a hard body, it didnt seem to harm the person much however.

“Its fine,” Steve says extending a hand to help her back on her feet. “Just slow down in the halls,” He says Eliza nodding along. “Why are you in such a rush anyway?”

“The birds were on my floor and thought it was a good idea to prank Nat, she didn’t believe me when i said I didnt have anything to do with it,” Eliza says as she catches her breath. “Thus me sprinting through the hallways. I do have the upper hand of knowing where I’m going though so,”

“That does help,” Steve says a small smirk forming on his face. “Especially with Nat,”

“What are you doing?” Eliza says looking around the hall way. “Just standing in a hallway for fun?”

“Ha ha,” Steve says with a roll of his eyes. “I was going to train,” He says.

“And you got lost?”


“You sure? Because the training room is on the opposite side of the tower,”

“I knew…” Steve trails off in thought. “It is?” 

“Yeah,” Eliza says nodding her head. “Come on old man,” she says patting his shoulder beore walking past. “I’ll help you,” 

“You are just like your father,” Steve says with a sigh before turning to follow the girl. 

“I get told that a lot,” the girl replie sending a smile over her shoulder. Even though Eliza started walking before him Steve was caught up to her in a small number of strides, “Y’know i dont even know why you train,” Eliza says looking at the super soldier. “Youre already like a solid wall of muscle what is there to work on?” Steve glances down at the girl for a second before looking up again. 

“Its like a stress reliever of sorts,” 

“That makes sense,” Eliza says nodding in thought. “We all have our things, I usually bottle mine up until I take it out on a wall,” She says with a shrug. “It usually hurts my knuckles more than the wall though,” she says looking at her hands. 

“What do you have to be stressed about, your still a kid,” Steve says looking down at her. 

“You’d be surprised, “ she says looking up tired look on her face. “ being a 16 year old in college isnt all it cracks up to be, let a lone the daughter of a genius,” Steve nods his head and the duo falls into silence. “Well heres your training room,” Eliza says with a gesture. 

“Thanks,” Steve says stopping out side the door. 

“And uhm I would prefer you to keep the knowledge of me taking my stress out on walls away from my dad please,” she says looking up at the man. “He’s got enough going on with being one of earths mightyest heroes and all that,” 

“Yeah I understand,” Steve says. Eliza gives him one last nod before turning to walk away. 

“Elizabeth,” Steve says once she gets a little ways down the hall. She turns around slowly tp face him. “Youre a good kid, and i think we got off on the wrong foot,”

“Yeah maybe,” she says quietly.

“The next time you feel like punching a wall you come to me, I’ll teach you how to punch properly, and with a punching bag, maybe we can save those knuckles,” he sas a small smirk growing on his face. Eliza lets out a short laugh nodding her head. 

“Yeah, I’ll hold you to that,”  Steve nods beofre turning and walking into the training room, elixa walking down the hall in the opposite direction. This is progress.

A/N: double update double update double update... I feel like crap so in gonna go to sleep now but here's your double update :) love youuuuu alllll ~M
Edit I thought I posted this but...
I guess I didn't?

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