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The group talked for a while sharing jokes, stories, and laughs. Finally, Eliza decided to call it a night.

"Well, I should go to bed, I am exhausted," She says standing up from her seat. "You know how to get to your room right?" She asks Micky who nods in response. Eliza leans over the back of the couch giving both her parents a kiss on the cheek mumbling a quick 'i love you' before biding the rest of the group a good night. Down the hall to the elevator and a quick couple of minutes later the is walking out the doors and down another hall thanking the A.I. as she walks. She enters the main room of her floor and sees the red-head Assasin sitting down watching something on the tv. "Hey, Roomie whatcha watching?" She asks sitting down on the opposite end of the couch. Natasha turns looking the girl up and down before turning back to her show saying nothing. "You don't seem to talk much do you?"

"You know you are just as annoying as your father," Natasha says turning off the tv and facing the youngest Stark.

"That's a bold assumption coming from a person who has barely known of my existence for a whole 24 hours and hasn't even had a proper conversation with me," Eliza shoots back holding Natasha's gaze. "speaking on that I don't think we've been properly introduced," she says sticking out her hand. "Elizabeth, but you can call me practically anything," Natasha holds the girl's gaze for a moment before shaking her hand.

"nice to meet you practically anything, I'm Natasha,"

"you think you're funny do you?" Eliza says narrowing her eyes a little before noticing that their hands were still connected. Natasha doesn't reply, she only narrows her eyes slightly copying Eliza's actions. "Well If you can call me that then I can call you," she says dragging out the last letter as she thinks of a fitting nickname. "karate girl," she says finally looking at the assassin.

"don't call me that,"

"I'm going to call you that,"

"Why would you call me that?"

"You know Jiu-jitsu no?"

"I've dabbled,"

"then it's perfect,"

"no, it's not, jiu-jitsu and karate aren't even the same thing, "

"It's still perfect,"

"I will kick your ass if you call me that,"

"no, you won't,"

"yes, I will,"

"then it's a good thing that I'm not afraid of you," Eliza says standing up from her seat.

"I was just starting to say that maybe I was wrong about you," Natasha says shaking her head with a small smirk on her face.

"don't think I don't see that smile," Eliza says pointing at the assassin as she backs out of the room. Natasha just shakes her head as the girl retreats. "Night karate girl," she calls finally turning around and walking to her bedroom.

"Do not call me that," Natasha shouts back a larger smile growing on her face for reasons that she can't quite place.

A/N: heyo,, I know that this is a shorter one but I am getting into the groove of writing so I have some stuff built up for when school and dance start and I have less time to write. So I am hoping that this short little official meeting of Natasha and Eliza can hold y'all off until I get going a little more!! love y'all ~M

Little Miss perfect ~ Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now