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Eliza's POV

The night before

"J, whatever happens, Dad can not find out,"

"Of course Eliza, your secret is safe with me,"I let out a breath of relief at the A.I's words. With thoughts still coming in at a rapid pace I decide to get up and get ready for bed.

What will dad think?

Why did i let that happen?

Why did I like it?

What is wrong with me?

I'm supposed to be perfect, this is not perfect, this is nowhere close to perfect.


The next morning

"Morning Natasha," I say making my presence known as I moves to make a cup of coffee.

"Morning Stark," Nat says with a nod. We fall into an uncomfortable silence, the events of the previous night weighing on our shoulders.

"Look about what happened-"

"About last night-" Both of us start at the same time, we both stop at the same time.

"You go first," I say taking a sip of my coffee.

"About last night, it was a mistake," Nat says leaning on the counter. I suck in a small breath, I didn't know what I expecting Natasha to say but for some reason this wasn't it. "It shouldn't have happened, I mean you have a boyfriend. Just know that it was completely my fault, I take full blame and it won't happen again," I nod slightly with her words, something inside of breaking a little as they come out.

"Yeah, yeah I was going to say the same thing it won't happen again," I say not looking at Nat.

"Nope never again,"

"You're uh, you're overcompensating now i get the point," I says slightly looking up at Nat.

"Overcompensating? I never overcompensate,"

"well you are," I reply taking another drink of my coffee. "are we... are we good?" I still had many thoughts going through my head, but the thought of loosing Nat as a friend was the most pressing at the moment.

"Yeah, yeah we're fine, it'll be like it never happened,"

"Ok," I says shooting her a smile as I start walking towards the elevator.

"Ok," she says sending a smile back.


Two Days Later

"Knock knock," I hear a voice say, turning around I see Clint and Sam standing in my door way.

"Hi," I say quietly turning back to my notebook and the keyboard resting on my lap.

"what are you doing?" Sam asks the two walking into the room. I don't reply changing a note in my book. I feel the bed dip slightly looking through my eyelashes to see Sam sitting in front of me. I hear my door close then see Clint sitting in my desk chair to my left.

"Whats wrong kid," Clint says. I feel both men looking at me.

"Nothings wrong," I say focusing back at what I was doing.

"Bullll Shitttt," Sam sings poking some of the piano keys in front of me. A small chuckle slides out. "There's that smile," Sam says the smirk slides off my face. I let out a sigh flipping a couple pages in my notebook.

"Straight hair, straight As, straight forward, straight path I don't cut corners, i make a point to be on time, head of the student council,"

"What is this?" I see Sam ask Clint who shrugs his shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ⏰

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