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"Your soul is an appalling dump heap overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment of the most deplorable rubbish imaginable, mangled up in-"

"I'm sorry are we interrupting something?" Tony asks looking at his daughter who was standing face to face with her best friend. Both young adults start laughing, soon a thud is heard from across the room. Eliza and Micky turn to see Clint on the floor, only causing them to laugh harder. Sam walks out from the other side of the tree also laughing.

"I think we missed something," Natasha notes from next to Tony. She looks at the people in the room before her eyes land on the youngest in the room. The strawberry blond was leaning against her friend laughing at who knows what, Natasha couldn't help but admire her beauty, a trait that the Stark family didn't lack. Natasha wasn't a person to have these thoughts about a person she didn't even know, but Eliza was different there was just something about her. She shakes the thought away when Eliza starts speaking.

"How did you fall?" She says still laughing but now moving to help Clint up.

"Sam pushed me," Clint said pouting making Eliza laugh more. Micky still hasn't gotten up off the floor.

"I did not!" Sam exclaims still laughing. The four have obviously gotten comfortable with each other in the past couple of hours.

"We definitely missed something," Tony agrees to watch the scene play out in front of him.

"Hey daddy," Eliza says finally calming down.

"Hey kiddo, care to fill us in?"

"You just missed Mick's rendition of 'you're a mean one Mr. Grinch'" Eliza said chuckling slightly.

"That's fair," Tony replies looking past Eliza towards Sam and Clint who were still laughing. "What about the two bird brains?"

"Oh, they were helping us decorate!" Eliza says perking up at the mention of her new friends. "Did you know Clint has a one-eyed dog named Lucky? He's a golden retriever," She says with a smile.

"You know they're a lot older than you right?" Tony asks causing Elizas face to turn confused.

"Yeah, I mean Clint has a..." The rest of her sentence was muffled due to Clint covering her mouth.

"We're just hanging out ok," Clint says looking at Tony. "It's obvious you had no plans to introduce her to the rest of us so we introduced ourselves,"

"Yep," Sam agrees, appearing next to them. "And she is hands down the coolest Stark,"

"Yeah, she is," Clint says removing his hand from Eliza's mouth. "Coolest Stark in the tower right here,"

"Hey!" A voice yells from the kitchen.

"Sorry Pepper," both men say in unison making Eliza chuckle.


"So Papa, who all are we meeting tonight?" Eliza says walking into the kitchen.

"Well you already met most of the team that is currently in the tower,"

"Oh god don't remind me," Eliza says smacking her palm against her head.

"I thought it was funny," Tony says as he stirs his cup of coffee.

"Of course you did," Eliza replies with a roll of her eyes. "Well who am I meeting properly,"

"Well, you can properly introduce yourself to Nat, you already met Capcicle, green guy, metal men and the bird brains. So I believe that leaves the magic twins, speedy and witchy, Strange will probably stop by some time tomorrow." Tony says listing off people. "I think that's everybody,"

"Ok, that seems do-able," Eliza replies getting a drink out of the fridge. "I'm going to go get back to decorating you coming?"

"Decorating the main room for Christmas with my favorite daughter?" Tony says picking his cup off the counter. "Absolutely," he says before following Eliza out of the kitchen.

A/N: Heyo I know it's been a while... Again but I am starting to write more for this book, currently I have a chapter ready for an update tomorrow and I'm hoping to stay ahead on the writing so I always ha e at least one chapter to post :)

Another note, I am starting a new story in a couple of weeks I am a person of many fandoms so I am branching out from Marvel a little. This fic is called Yellow Roses and it is a Daveed Diggs fic. If you don't know who that is he is from the Broadway cast of Hamilton and he is also in the musical group clipping. As well as acting in multiple movies and TV shows. If you are interested in this fic I will be posting a sneak peak on the 13th of January which is exactly 10 days before the release date.

I hope all of you have had wonderful holidays and would der full lives :) ~M

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