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"Remind me why we're up so early again?" Micky complains as he puts his bags in the car right next to Eliza's.

"Because, it's a three and a half-hour drive, and Mom want's us there before noon,"

"Ok? but you both know your dad isn't going to be up until after noon,"

"Knowing him, he probably hasn't slept in 27 hours," She replies sliding into the driver's seat of her car.

"That's exact... wanna bet?" Micky says sliding into the passenger seat. Eliza looks at him thinking over the odds.

"Sure, fifty bucks says that by the time we get there he will have not slept in 30 and a half hours,"

"I'll take it," Micky replies Reaching over to shake Eliza's hand sealing the bet.


"Hey, Lizzy?" Micky asks as they drive down the highway.

"Yeah, Mick?"

"When are you going to tell your parents?"

"Tell them what?" She says looking at Mick as the car comes to a stop at a light.

"You know," He says looking out the front window. "Freshman year you said you and your parents were super close, no secrets,"

"Mick, I can't tell them, they would flip,"

"I doubt it, they seem cool,"

"That's what they all say. My father is also a billionaire, and my mother cares about how we look as a family in the eyes of the press. Let's just say they wouldn't like me saying I want to drop out of college and go to a performing arts school, and that I have a boyfriend that's two years older than me and the exact opposite of what my parents deem acceptable," She says as the car starts moving again. They were about three blocks away from the tower. Mick is silent for a second.

"Just promise me you'll tell them eventually,"

"Reggie and I are going to tell them about us after I turn seventeen, they don't need to know about the other. I'll finish school, take over the company, and maybe use my extra talents at some other point,"

"Please?" Micky says one more time last the car comes to a stop in front of Stark Tower. Eliza looks at him.

"Ok," She says finally, and she means it. She will tell her parents, eventually. Like after she finishes school after she is running the company after she has made them proud.


"Hey Momma," Eliza said walking into the kitchen where her mother was.

"Lizzy, Mick!" Pepper says with excitement walking over tohug her daughter. "Your father will be so happy you're finally here,"

"Is he in the lab?" Eliza asks as her mother moves to hug Micky.

"Where else would he be?" Eliza smiles as her mothers words.

"I'll go see him," She says walking towards the kitchen door way. "Oh, and Mom when I come back can we start decorating?" Eliza asks stopping and turning around.

"Of course, I know its one of your favorite things to do," Pepper replies with a warm smile before Eliza walks out of the room. Eliza rides the elevator down to the labs a ride made quite fun with he robotic companion in the walls.

"Oh J, I almost forgot," Eliza says talking to seemingly no one. "When is the last time dad slept?"

"As of the moment you and Mr. Mick walked into the building it was 30 hours and 30 minutes," Jarvis replies making Eliza get excited, before becoming upset.

"J tell Mick he owes me fifty dollars," she says before she exits the elevator. "Hey Daddy, why haven't you been sleeping?" She says not noticing the other people in the room.

"Eliza," Tony says in surprise turning around. "when did you get here?"

"Mick and I pulled up not to long ago, we stopped to talk to mom," She replies not looking up from her phone.

"Well, I have been sleeping,"

"Bull shit," Eliza says continuing before Tony could say anything about her language. "Your sleep schedule is inconsistent, and the video footage leads me to believe you're trying to hide it from mom," Tony stops in his tracks a look of shock on his face as Eliza looks up from her phone. "Jarvis ratted you out," She says with a shrug showing Tony her phone and the data the A.I had sent her.

"Damn you, you're supposed to be on my side," Tony complained turning back around in his chair.

"I'm sorry sir, but she threatened me,"

"I did not, Jarvis quit lying you know we're best buds," Eliza says walking up next to her father. "What are you working on..." She says trailing off when she sees three avengers standing in front of her.

Little Miss perfect ~ Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now