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"So how are you going to break this information to your dad?" Micky asks sitting on Eliza's bed as she digs through her closet for an outfit.

"Does he really need to know I'm in a relationship?" She asks pulling out a skirt and sweater duo silently asking for her friends opinion.

"Keep the sweater, ditch the skirt," he replies the girl turning back around placing the skirt back into the closet. "Don't you think you're going to be in enough trouble keeping it for this long, do you really want to hide it for longer?"

"He's not going to be happy about it," she says showing off a pair of jeans asking for an opinion again.

"Those are cute," Mick replies watching as Eliza closes her closet doors. "Is he ever going to be happy about it? I mean you're his daughter,"

"That's a fair point," she replies changing clothes into the outfit they agreed upon. "How about this, I tell him later today, when I get back,"

"Where are you going again?"

"The mall with MJ, she has a friend she wants me to meet,"

"So you're not going to meet your man?" Mick asks giving Eliza a skeptical look. She doesn't reply as she walks towards her vanity and starts brushing through her hair. "You are aren't you? You sneaky little minx!"

"It's not that big of a deal," Eliza says with a roll of her eyes.

"It's basically sneaking out,"

"No, my parents just don't know the full extent of where m going that's all," Mick shakes his head at his best friend as she moves on to her make up.

"You and your secrets,"

"Like you've never kept a secret or two before," She responds looking at mick through her mirror. "Besides they aren't going to be secrets for long,"

"That's what you've said for the last two minths,"

"Touche Micky mouse Touche,"


"Eliza!" a voice calls from across the busy mall food court. Eliza quickly spotted her friends before making her way through the very busy area.

"Hey Mj," she says giving her friend a hug noticing a third person by Mj's side. "How school?"

"Oh you know same old same old. Same stupid kids same mind numbing material," the girl replies.

"I wouldnt expect any other answer from you," Eliza says with a shake of the head.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot," Mj says turning slightly to the side. "This is Peter,"

"Hey," Eliza says with a sweet smile. "Have we met before by any chance? You seem really familiar,"

"Umm we might have gone to school together at one Point," Peter says getting slightly shy. "You might remember me as Patty," Eliza thinks for a moment befor the realization strikes.

"Oh my god yeah, it was what like first and second grade?"

"Yeah, yeah it was,"

"Can I ask what your pronouns are now?" Eliza asks. Peter pauses for a short moment Mj giving him a small reassuring nod. He still wasn't quite used to this, being around people that allowed him to be himself.

"He they, thank you for asking," he says with a small smile.

"Of course," Eliza says smile growing on her face. "Now," she says moving forward to link her arms with the two. "Let's go do some shopping, my dad gave me his card,"

Little Miss perfect ~ Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now