Chapter 16- Yellow Temperance Pt 2

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[Not proofread.]
He grabbed a coconut milk from Anne, "Am I wrong, Jotaro?"

Why yes Kakyoin, you are very wrong thank you for asking.

Seriously, what the was going on with this man?

"Why are you two glaring at me? While I don't mind Y/N's pretty stare, yours is a bit too hard, Jotaro," Kakyoin stated with a smug look on his face as he put a hand on my shoulder, "You couldn't be planning on parting ways with me just because I hurt that thief, right?"

The thief groaned and scurried away as fast as his legs could take him. I kept my hard stare on Kakyoin and pushed his hand off.

He laughed, "Oh you guys, don't give this too much thought. I'm just a bit irritated today. I'm exhausted from this trip and it's left me in a bad mood."

"You're in a bad mood?" Jotaro asked, "Seemed to me that you felt pretty good."

I shifted in my position. The air had become thick with tension and it was uncomfortable.

Jotaro turned around and began walking away, "The old man and Avdol think it's a good idea to head to India by train. We're leaving tomorrow. We're taking a calbe car to Singapore Station to reserve tickets."

Anne and I turned around to watch him leave.

"Mr. Kakyoin..." Anne and I turned back around, "JoJo's getting further ahead..."

Kakyoin could be seen next to a tree chowing down on something crunchy.

"Right, I'll be there soon," he said with his mouth full.

"You must really like coconut juice," Anne laughed it off and went after Jotaro.

I lingered a bit. Something tells me it wasn't the coconut he was gnawing on.

"Shape yourself up, Kakyoin," I turned around to follow Anne.

I heard a particularly loud crunch come from his direction and I swiftly turned around. Kakyoin was faced in my direction and I saw a small insect leg being slurped up into his mouth. I visibly cringed and quickly made my way back to Anne and pushed her along.


The four of us waited for a cable car at the station. Jotaro had managed to get his hands on an ice cream cone.

"Hey, Jotaro," Kakyoin called out, "Are you gonna eat that cherry? If not, give it to me, I'm starving."

He walked up and took the cherry off Jotaro's ice cream cone. As he backed away, he suddenly pushed Jotaro forward so he was flipped over the railing.

"Kujo!" I yelped.

I quickly grasped his hand so he wouldn't fall to his death. Maybe if this man wasn't so muscular it would be easier to lift him up. Seriously, this man is built like an anime protagonist. He finally got over the railing and his two feet landed on the pavement safely.

Kakyoin laughed heartily, "I'm just kidding!"

He popped the cherry in his mouth and swirled his tongue around it in a fast motion. Boy, the women must love him. The cherry fell out of his mouth and plopped on the floor.

"Kakyoin.." said man looked in my direction, "What in the Kentucky fried fuck was that?!"

He crossed his arms, "Now there you go again with that stupid look on your faces... what're you glaring at?"

He picked up the cherry off the ground and ate. I'm pretty sure that was more than 5 seconds but he's done some weirder shit in the past 20 minutes so I can't really judge.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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