Chapter 8- The Cursed Sea

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I sat on a beach chair on the boat as I listened to Mr. Joestar talk.

"To get from Hong Kong to Singapore, we'll be on the water for about three days. We should just relax and keep our spirits up."

How were we supposed to relax when there were people trying to kill us? There could even be another stand user on this boat with us right now! I've always had to keep my guard up, but now it's even worse.

"Seriously guys.."

I looked up at Mr. Joestar.

"Can't you do something about those school uniforms? Are you gonna wear those the whole time? Isn't it ridiculously hot?"

"Hey, mines the most comfortable and breathable," I said as I played with the strap of my tank top.

"And we are students.." Kakyoin noted, "Students should behave as students. But I guess that sounds like a stretch."

"Alright then goody two shoes," I snickered lightly.

Jotaro grunted.

"Japanese students are such stiffs," Mr. Joestar sighed.

"What was that old man?" my eye twitched, "I'll knock your British socks off you old fuck."

The old man smiled at me. I gave him a growl in response.

"Hey! Get off of me idiot!" I heard a kid yell.

"Old man, I thought you said there were no other passengers but us," I raised an eyebrow at Mr. Joestar.

We all looked over at one of the sailors holding onto a squirming kid.

"Hey!" Mr. Joestar called out, "I thought we agreed that we'd be the only passengers on the boat."

The sailor turned to him with an apologetic look, "I'm sorry, it's a stowaway. This brat was hiding in storage down below."

The kid was still struggling in the sailor's grasp.

"Let go of me now!" the kid yelled out, "I won't hesitate to kick your balls in!"

I snickered as I got up from my chair and walked over to where the scene was being displayed.

The sailor laughed, "Yeah right, I'll turn you in to the naval police!"

The kid suddenly stopped struggling.

"W-What? The police?!" the kid stepped out of his grasp, "Please, let me go! I just wanted to go see my father in Singapore. I'll do anything! I'll work as hard as you want me to!!"

The sailor pinched the kid's cheek and put his pointer finger and his thumb on his chin in thought.

"Let's see.. what should I do? What should I do?"

The sailor kept pulling on the poor kid's face, then he suddenly flicked their nose.

"Hell no! There's no way I'm letting you go!"

The kid had a defeated look on their face, and tears gathered in their eyes. I kinda felt bad for the poor thing.

"I'm letting the Captain know, so come with m-"

Before the sailor could finish his sentence, the kid bit down on his arm. He screeched like a little girl. I let out a small chuckle. Mr. Joestar gave me a soft glare.

"What? The kid's fiesty, I like it," I crossed my arms.

I took a few moments to observe the kid. I could tell it was a girl. Oh man, a fiesty girl, even better. She ran over to the railing if the boat and jumped over.

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