Chapter 15 - Yellow Temperance Pt. 1

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Kakyoin, more like Cockyoin-

Ok I'm sorry I'll stop now...

(I also wanted to address something important. On the previous chapter I had a joke question that was something like "who would top Y/N or Anne" and I just wanted to say that that question was a complete joke I do not condone sexual shit with minors that's not cool. I will own this, that's my fault for not putting a disclaimer that it was a joke I have edited that so people reading now know that I am not serious.)
The four of us were just walking around the area, seeing if there was anything we could do. Suddenly, Anne gasped and ran over to a nearby stand.

"Can I get some ice cream?" I heard her ask.

The shop keeper smirked, "Welcome, little girl. The ice cream is good, but this is tasty too," he shoved a coconut in her face.

"It's chilled coconut milk."

Anne's face twisted in confusion for a minute. The three of us walked over to her.

"Guess we could try it," Jotaro shrugged, "Give us four."

The shop keeper looked satisfied,  "Great! That'll be 16 bucks!"

"Oi!" Anne interrupted, "Make that 8!"

I rolled my eyes. Kakyoin stepped up to the counter and gave the owner the correct amount of currency.

"This should cover it."

He was about to put his wallet back in his pocket, when some man snatched it right out of his hand.

"Ha, I'll be taking this!" the man cackled.

Kakyoin slowly turned to the direction in which the man was running, and immediately sent out Hierophant Green. The stand grabbed the man by the ankle, causing him to trip and drop the wallet.

Kakyoin stood stiffly behind the thief.

"Did you seriously think you could get away with stealing my wallet you little shit?!"

Jotaro, Anne and I were shocked at his behaviour.

"Cough up your guts!"

With that, Kakyoin kneed the man in nose, drawing an immense amount of blood.

"Kakyoin!" Jotaro called out.

Kakyoin ignored the call and held the thief by his hair, "You're as worthless as a sewer cockroach's dick. The idea that.."

Kakyoin suddenly hoisted the man over his shoulders and began to snap the man's spine.

" could steal my wallet with the same fingers you use to wipe your filthy ass... I can't let you get away with that, now can I?"

Blood was practically pouring out of the thief's nose and mouth.

"Come on! Come on!" Kakyoin grunted.

"Kakyoin, what the hell are you doing?!" I yelled at him, "He's gonna fucking die dipshit!"

"Amazing.." I heard Anne stutter from behind me, "A back breaker.. and such filthy language too!"

Kakyoin still didn't cease his actions.

"Kakyoin!" Jotaro yelled.

He quickly walked up to Kakyoin and hit him. The red head dropped the man onto the ground.

"Kakyoin you bastard... something's wrong with you. Did you get that worked up?"

Kakyoin swiftly regained composure again and began to pat his clothes off, "That hurt you know... You didn't have to push me that hard. He tried stealing my wallet, that makes him a bad person. Of course I should punish him."

He grabbed a coconut milk from Anne, "Am I wrong, Jotaro?"

Why yes Kakyoin, you are very wrong thank you for asking.

Seriously, what the hell was going on with this man?

Ok, I know this chapter was really short but here's why. I did not want to make you guys wait any longer. I am splitting this into two sections just so I could get something out for you guys to read. You all have waited long enough.

Once again, I cannot thank you guys for the endless support I've been receiving as well as your massive amounts of patience, I love you all very much!

Question of the day: Do any of you play Genshin Impact? I'd love to know if you do. I really love Genshin.

Peace out guys I will see you in the next chapter!

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