Chapter 11- Strength

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Other titles I wanted to give this chapter:

Perverted Monkey Tries to Hit a Home Run
Kakyoin Simps (but not too bad)
Big Boat is Too Much for These Idiots

I just realised the first one sounds like a porn title, god rest my soul.


"N-no! E-E-E-Everyone, look!" she pointed to something behind me.

I turned around, and there it was. Tall and mighty. A huge steamboat.

I reached out to ruffle her hair, "Nice spottin' kid."


As I lifted my hand away from her head, I noticed the girl was blushing. I turned my attention back to the massive boat infront of us.

"Looks like a freighter to me," I said.

I was skeptical though. The atmosphere was incredibly eerie, and I had a bad feeling about getting on this boat. The first thing I noticed was that there were no crew members there to greet us... Now that, that was odd.

"What are you concerned about Y/N?" Mr. Joestar's voice brought me out of my thoughts, "Do you think there could be a stand user on this boat, too?"

"Perhaps," I mumbled, "I'm really just wondering why there are no crew members, even though the ramp is down."

We floated closer to the ramp, and when we got close enough, Polnareff jumped onto the metal stairs.

"They came all the way out here to save us, there has to be someone on board! Even if they're all stand users, I'm getting on this boat."

We all looked at each other. I was nervous to get on, but we had to check it out. I helped the girl get onto the ramp, then I reached out for the railing. A hand was put infront of my face. I looked up to see Kakyoin smiling down at me. I sighed and took his hand. He hoisted me up onto the railing and into his chest.

"Are you alright, Miss Y/N?" he asked politely.

"Yes, I could've done that without your help though," I muttered, "Thank you.."

I heard him chuckle, and he began ascending up the stairs. The girl was waiting for me on the side. She grabbed onto my hand and looked up at me.

"Everything will be alright, I promise," I told her.

We climbed up the ramp and onto the deck of the boat. Now when I say this is huge, it's fucking huge. A group of us went up to the pilot house, but there was no one there.

"There's no one anywhere!" Mr. Joestar cried, "And yet, look. All metres and machines are working perfectly."

"Maybe they're all in the bathroom with a bad case of diarrhoea?" Polnareff suggested.

I facepalmed. Is this guy really that stupid?

"Hey! Isn't anyone around here?" Mr. Joestar called out.

"Hey everyone!" the girl got out attention, "Look over here!"

We all went into the room she was pointing at only to find..

"A monkey!" the girl exclaimed, "There's a monkey inside that cage."

"An orangutan," Kakyoin noted.

"Who the hell cares about a damn monkey?! Let's split up and find whoever has been feeding it," Mr. Joestar ordered.

The guys walked out of the room, the girl and I following behind. She stopped behind me to take one more look at the orangutan. I turned around to look at it. There was just something about it that gave me a bad feeling.

"Let's go," I demanded.

I lightly pushed the girl forward, and we headed out of the creepy room. We headed back to the main deck to check how Avdol and the sailors were doing. When we got out the, the sailors had frustrated looks on their faces, trying to figure something out. Mr. Joestar seemed to notice something before the rest of us.

"Avdol, the sailors are in danger!" Mr. Joestar called out.

Before the blink of an eye, a swinging hook had embedded itself in a sailor's jaw. The sailor was hoisted up and was left hanging with blood dripping everywhere. The girl let out a shriek. I quickly covered her eyes.

"Jesus, a welcome like this is a bit much for a small girl," I groaned.

The sailors all stood around the man's hanging body in shock.

"B-But.. no one touched it!" one cried out.

"I saw that crane move, even though no one was operating it!" another one exclaimed.

"That crane impaled him on its own!"

"Be careful!" Mr. Joestar commanded, "There's someone here!"

He turned to the sailors, "Hey! Make sure not to touch any of the machinery. If it moves, or runs on electricity, don't touch it! If you wanna live, follow my orders. Don't leave the cabin down below until we say it's safe."

The sailors and the girl left to go to the cabin. I crossed my arms.

"Did anyone see even a glimpse of some sort of stand?" Mr. Joestar asked us.

"I was the closest to the crane, yet I felt nothing," Avdol replied, "My apologies, Mr. Joestar."

"I'll have Hierophant Green look around," Kakyoin said.

The green stand appeared, and began checking around the area. I turned to look around, and noticed the girl from before watching us. She looked deep in thought. I began walking over to her. I bent down infront of her and grabbed her shoulders.

"I have only one bit of truth for you..."

She gave me a skeptical look.

"We're all on your side," I gave her a small smile.

She only stared at me. If I were in her shoes, I would be frightened as hell. Bad things kept happening around us, and she couldn't see our stands. An idea popped in my head.

'Let's go walk around a bit," I suggested.

She hesitated, but nodded . The two of us walked to the pilot house and into the room where the orangutan was. The ape was holding onto the bars. We walked closer to get a better look. The ape's hand travelled upwards to tap on the lock that was keeping him in.

"You want us to open the cage?" the girl asked, "We don't know where the key is, and you're so big."

"It isn't a good idea to let him out anyway. He's being kept in there for a reason," I crossed my arms.

The orangutan held something out to us... an apple.

"But that doesn't make sense," the girl said, "The apple's been cut with a knife, yet it hasn't changed colour. It was just cut. So there is someone on this boat! Who feeds you?"

The ape whipped out a match and lit a cigarette. What the fuck was this animal?

"You're a pretty smart monkey, aren't you?" the girl was mesmerised.

The ape went digging for something. He pulled out what looked like a magazine... a playboy magazine.

"Is a monkey like you actually into looking at pinups of human girls?" the girl gasped.

I cringed. This fucking ape.. What the hell was going on? The orangutan averted its eyes in my direction. It looked at me like it was undressing me with its eyes. Fucking weirdo.

The door busted open.

"Hey, be careful!" a sailor told us, "They say an orangutan has five times the strength of a human, so it could easily rip off your arm."

The sailors led the two of us to the room they were staying in. I hope to Christ Hierophant Green would be able to find something on this boat.

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