Chapter 4- The Sword And The Flame Pt 1

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I sat on the curb yawning as I waited for Joseph to get off the phone. My stomach growled, indicating that I needed food. I sighed and pushed myself up to a stand.

"Oh, Y/N," Kakyoin said, "Everything ok?"

I nodded, "I'm fine. Just hungry."

Kakyoin got up off the curb as well.

"Well it looks like there's a food stand over there. Why don't we get something from there," he suggested.

I agreed and the both of us headed over to the stand.

"Hey there!" the owner greeted us, "You both look look like tourists! Can I recommend some things for you both?"

Kakyoin nodded.

"You must try rice porridge! And we have dim sum and hot cola as well."

Kakyoin looked at me, "Rice porridge is a staple food here in Hong Kong. We should get some of that, if you want."

I nodded. Anything sounded good at this point.

"We'll have two bowls of rice porridge please, the popular way," Kakyoin told the stand owner.

"You got it!"

"Hey!" I heard a gruff voice yell.

I turned toward the voice, only to see it was the old man.

"Don't eat food off the street! We're going to the best restaurant in Hong Kong. Come along," he demanded.

I glared at him. I didn't want to have to wait for food.

"Hey you!" the owner called out to Joseph, "Would you be interested in some hot cola?"

"Hot cola?!" he screeched, "Everyone knows cola is supposed to be cold! Come on you two."

Joseph grabbed my wrist and pulled me in the direction of the restaurant, Kakyoin trailing behind me.

Time skip

The five of us were sat down at a table in the restaurant Joseph recommended.

"So," Avdol asked, "How do we plan on getting to Egypt from here?"

"That's a good question..."

I stopped paying attention so I could read my menu. I was so hungry that at this point I could eat anything. I decided on wanton soup and some sweet and sour chicken. Typical food, but still good.

"Uh, hello there!" I heard a voice say.

I looked over to see a tall man with, I've gotta say, some weird ass hair. He had silver hair that stuck up in a cylinder like form. He had half broken heart earrings and a weird type of black tank top.

"I'm a tourist from France, and I'm having a hard time reading the kanji here... Do you guys think you could help me out?" he asked.

"Fuck off," Jotaro grumbled at him.

"Jotaro, be nice!" Joseph scolded, "I would help you with the kanji, but I'm a little rusty. Does anyone know Chinese here?"

Avdol shook his head, Jotaro grunted, and Kakyoin let out a 'no.' I sighed heavily and raised my hand slowly.

"You do? Perfect! Please sir, take a seat next to Y/N and she'll help you out," Joseph smiled at the man.


He pulled up a chair next to me and sat down.

"You know, ma cheri," he grinned at me, "Tu es la plus belle femme que j'aie jamais vue.¹"

I gave him a side glance.

"Avez-vous besoin d'aide ou vouliez-vous simplement flirter?²"

The man stared at me in shock, "A-Apologies Mademoiselle," he rubbed the back of his neck, "I didn't know you spoke French."

"It's fine, now let me help you so you can get out of here," I grumbled.

Small time skip

The waitress set all our food down on the table, and I did not waste any time digging in. I took the pair of chopsticks and began chowing down on rice.

Kakyoin chuckled, "You really were hungry."

I grunted, and kept shoving my food in my face. I noticed from the corner of my eye that the Frenchman had picked up a star shaped veggie.

"Y'know.." he began, "They really did take their time preparing all this food. But this reminds me of something.."

I didn't really pay attention until he said something specific.

"I think know someone who has a birthmark exactly like this on their shoulder," the man proceeded to hold the star shaped veggie right where the Joestar birthmark is.

Everyone tensed up. I stopped eating the rice and looked over at the man. He had a smirk plastered on his face. My eye twitched in annoyance, and I immediately sprang into action. I swung my chopsticks and poked him right in his eye. He tumbled backwards in his chair, yelling profanities while covering his eye with his hand.

A stand came out from behind him. It had shining armour, and an extremely sharp sword.

"Damn you woman, you're tough! No wonder why Dio wants you," he chuckled.

He put his hands on his hips and grinned, "Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Jean Pierre Polnareff. As you most likely know, I'm here to kill all of you and take precious Y/N back to Lord Dio."

I summoned Chemical Romance to my side, and he got into a fighting stance. As I was prepared to attack, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Please, Miss L/N," Avdol said calmly, "Let me handle him."

I glared at Avdol for a bit, but nodded and sent Chem R away. I stepped back and let him have his fun.

"Magician's Red!" he called out.

The half bird half man stand appeared, screeched beside its master. The stand spit fire out of its mouth in the direction of Polnareff. Polnareff's stand swiftly shot his sword out and swirled it around in Avdol's fire.

"Impossible!" Avdol cried out.

I raised a brow. The stand flung his sword, and the fire came shooting off of it. The fire was shot at a table, and when the flames calmed down, numbers appeared on the table like a clock.

"His sword is incredibly fast," Kakyoin noted.

The knight looking stand pulled his sword back.

"My stand holds the Chariot card," Polnareff began, "Silver Chariot!"

Polnareff pointed at Avdol, "Muhammad Avdol, it appears that you would like to die first. I made a fire clock on that table. I plan to kill you before the hand hits 12."

I clenched my fist and grit my teeth together.

Bring it on baguette bitch.

1: You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.
2: Do you need help, or did you just want to flirt?

This was a bit of a short chapter, so sorry about that. The next one should be longer. I'm also hoping the next chapter will be better.

Thank you for reading!

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