What In Le Fuck

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Holy mother of fucking god look who decided to haul her ass back. I give you full permission to yell at me.

So before we jump into the information I have for you guys, let's go over what happened.

I mentioned two things in my author's note before.

1. Wattpad kicked me out on my phone. Good news is that I did get it back!

2. I would be sure to let you know if I wasn't continuing this book. And well... I have to say it... I'm really sorry...

Yeah this book isn't going anywhere.

I love JoJo with all of my heart and I love writing for you guys, even though it's been a really long time. In fact, I actually started chapter 15 so that is in the works.

Once again, you guys mean the world to me and I am so grateful that you've been sticking with me through this weird ass time.

Can't wait to see you guys in the next chapter!!!

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