Chapter 6- The Sword And The Flame Pt 3

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My eyes widened slightly as I counted how many Silver Chariots there now were. Seven, there were now seven of them.

"That's impossible," Kakyoin said, "There should only be one stand per user."

Avdol's face was twisted with pure shock. I was worried about him now. With these clones that Frenchie made, there's no telling what would happen.

"It seems that you're shocked. You might as well just hand Y/N over to me now," Polnareff smirked.

"In your dreams baguette bitch," I snarled at him.

He grinned at me, but then turned back to Avdol.

"These are called shadow clones. These clones will not only confuse your eyes, but confuse your senses as well. Your senses won't be able to follow their movements."

I could see the worry written on Avdol's face.

"Avdol, please, let m-"

"That isn't needed, Miss Y/N," his voice was stern, but a little shaky, "I can handle this," he turned to me, "I don't want to put you in anymore danger than I have to."

I was about to protest, but I realised that would get me nowhere. I stepped back and hoped for the best.

Polnareff rolled his eyes slightly, "Now that that's over... How do you like my swordsmanship now?!"

The clones shot forward and began slashing their swords away at Avdol. Avdol summoned Magician's Red to his side. As the clones came closer, Magician's Red got ready to attack.

"Red Bind!"

Fire was shot at the clones, and they all separated to avoid the flames. The clones shot back and forth, before reappearing over Polnareff's head.

"I told you that you wouldn't be able to follow their movements. Your flames can only grasp shadow clones."

Magician's Red lurched forward and shot another Red Bind at the shadow clones.

"Shooting at random now? Seems to me like you're getting desperate."

"It's true," I heard Kakyoin say, "That'll only use up more of his energy."

Avdol used another Crossfire Hurricane and shot at Silver Chariot, or what he thought was Silver Chariot. When the smoke cleared, there was nothing there. All the clones had gone back to Polnareff again.

"Non, non, non," Polnareff clicked his tongue, "That was a shadow clone. Your attack won't work against my stand."

I grit my teeth together. This conceited fucking asshole. I hope Avdol sends this guy to his grave.

The shadow clones lurched forward and began slashing their swords at Avdol again. Avdol was pushed back, and I saw his face began bleeding. Avdol's eyes widened slightly.

"I'm going to finish you with my next move," Polnareff said with certainty in his voice.

"In the name of chivalry, you keep explaining your attacks. You're rather honourable," Avdol said, "Therefore, I shall also tell you a secret about my ability."

Avdol explained his Crossfire Hurricane to Polnareff, then proceeded to attack him.

"Crossfire Hurricane Special!"

Multiple fire crosses were thrown in the direction of the Frenchman. Polnareff summoned his shadow clones in a circle around him.

"He summoned them in a circle!" Mr. Joestar cried.

I swear, boys always point out the obvious.

"There's no opening," Kakyoin noted.

"You're naive," Polnareff smirked at Avdol, "Very naive. I will again use this power against you! Blow it back at him!"

One of the clones began to swipe at the incoming flames, but an explosion happened before the sword could even graze it.

"What?!" Polnareff exclaimed.

The flames came hurling towards the Frenchman, and he was blown back a few feet. He landed on the ground with a thud, still engulfed in flames. I noticed there was a hole in the ground, which still had burning embers surrounding it. The thoughts began to form in my head.

"That hole.." I mumbled, "I think I'm understanding. The first flames were used to create a tunnel of some sort in the ground. Then he shot his Crossfire Hurricane through it."

Avdol stood up, "I told you. I can break apart my flames and make them fly in as many pieces as I so please."

Polnareff groaned out, trying his best to get up. He tried pushing himself off the ground, only to fall back over. I saw Avdol pull out a dagger from his robes. He threw the dagger in Polnareff's direction, and it implanted itself in the ground tight before him.

"Burning is an awful way to die," Avdol said blankly, "Use that dagger to end yourself."

He turned around, and began making his way towards us. Polnareff slowly reached for the dagger and slowly brought it. He looked like he was about to throw it in Avdol's direction, but decided against it. He repositioned the dagger at his throat. I watched as the Frenchman struggled to keep the dagger up, and fell back to the floor. It looked as though he gave up. Maybe he was being honourable and not killing himself.

Avdol turned around quickly and snapped his fingers. The flames instantly stopped, and Polnareff was left with smoke pouring off his body. Avdol made his way over to Polnareff, and picked him up, placing the Frenchman's head in his arms. I saw him dig through the scalp of Polnareff's hair, and to stop and call out for Jotaro. The tall brute summoned Star Platinum. Star Platinum began to take the flesh bud out of Polnareff's head.

The bud released itself and the tentacles were everywhere.

"Gross! Jotaro hurry up and get rid of that thing! It's really bothering me," Mr. Joestar whined.

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up you old geezer, you sound like a teenage girl."

I heard Kakyoin snicker lightly behind me. Star Platinum quickly raised the flesh bud to the sky, and I watched it disintegrate.

Mr. Joestar walked over to Polnareff and held his unconscious body, "Well, maybe now we can be buddies! Ha ha, get it? Bud-dies?"

I rolled my eyes again.

"Y/N, don't guys like him who say stupid jokes that like piss you off?" Jotaro said to me.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance.


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