Chapter 12- Strength Pt 2

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Alternative titles for this chapter:

Guys The Perverted Monkey Is At It Again
Ah Shit, Here We Go Again
Can I Go Home Now?
Is Y/N Ok?


The girl, who's name is Anne, and I watched the sailors try to get a connection to another boat. I crossed my arms and frowned. I felt a tug on my shirt.

"I'm sticky from the salt water," Anne told me.

I touched my clothing, "Yeah, I am too. Let's see if we can find some showers."

We walked through the hallway, and eventually found some showers. We both got undressed and stepped under the warm water. We began washing ourselves off so we could get the sticky feeling of salt water away.

Anne's POV

I washed my hair to try and get the stickiness out of it as best I could. I took a glance up at Y/N, and I surely did not regret it. The water was cascading down her body, and the steam made the whole scene look perfect. As she had her hands in her hair, I got a wonderful view of her body. Her curves were gorgeous, and her chest... Whew, don't get me started. She was just so... angelic. Like God had sent someone down from heaven to bless me!

"Hey, you alright?" her angelic voice broke me from the trance I was in.

"Y-yeah! I'm fine, thanks," I stuttered out.

Nice going Anne. She hummed at me, then went back to washing herself. Oh boy. I really just wanted to reach out and touch her...


As I was washing the salt water off my body, I felt a presence. Obviously it wasn't Anne's since she was right beside me. So if it wasn't her... who was it? My answer came to me when the shower curtain was ripped open. Anne yelped and covered herself. I backed up from the curtain and  hugged my arms around me to protect myself from the eyes of... the orangutan? The animal just stared at us.

"Fuck off why don't you?" I hissed at it.

I may have acted tough, but on the inside, I was frightened. Both Anne and I grabbed our towels and covered our bodies. The orangutan reached out to me and pointed at my thighs. He drug his finger through the air all the way up to my face. He backed me into a corner and I turned to Anne.

"Anne, go get someone!" my voice wavered as I called to her.

She stood there frozen in fear. The orangutan suddenly screeched and pounced at me.

"Y/N!!" Anne squealed.

The monkey kept coming toward me. My eyes widened in fear. No no no. Not this again. I can't do this again. I shut my eyes tightly, bracing for impact.


I opened an eye to see the orangutan swiftly be hit in the head by Jotaro.

"JoJo!" Anne exclaimed.

"Jotaro!" I breathed a sigh of relief.

The ape swung his foot towards Jotaro's face. Star Platinum was summoned, and he blocked the attack. Suddenly, the ceiling fan spun from its place, and embedded itself in Jotaro's shoulder.

"So this ape must be the stand user," he said, "But why can't I see the stand?"

He reached for his shoulder to take the fan out. The fan blade wiggled away from Jotaro's grip.

"Huh? The propeller bent on its own?"

The fan blade proceeded to smack him in the face, which sent him flying into the door behind him and through the hallway.

"Jotaro!" I called after him.

Anne and I ran after him, only to see the orangutan fading into the wall of the boat. I wrapped my towel securely around me, tying it so it wouldn't fall down. I summoned my stand beside me.

"Could it be that this ship is the stand?" I suggested.

Jotaro grunted. I suddenly felt a force tug me and Chem R back into the wall. There were pipes around my neck, waist, arms, and legs. Both Jotaro and I were trapped against the wall. The oragutan phased through the wall wearing a captain's uniform. He held out a dictionary to us. The ape was pointing to the word Strength. His stand must be Strength then! That's the eighth Tarot card.

The ape just laughed and grunted at our struggling. As he quiet down, he looked in my direction. His eyes were filled with lust as he looked me up and down. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly, wishing I could just crawl in a hole and die. I heard something metal drop on the floor. I slowly opened my eyes to see the ape peering at a button that came off of Jotaro's jacket.

"That button's not a part of your stand," Jotaro said, "You mad?"

The ape looked extremely mad.

"Guess it wounded your pride, since you thought you had won already. No.. it's not hurt. Apes don't have pride!"

The monkey let out a screech and pounced at Jotaro.

"That's what makes you an ape. What's gonna hurt is your head!"

Star Platinum's fingers extended towards the button, which was still in the orangutan's hand. The buttons was violently flicked into the ape' head. While it was weakened, Jotaro broke out of his pipe chains. The ape backed up and ripped his coat open.

"I heard that when frightened, animals show their stomach as a sign of them giving up. You're asking me to forgive you?"

The ape nodded.

"You've already broken the rules of being an animal. So I don't think so."

Star Platinum flew forward and landed a series of punches on the ape, sending it backwards. Jotaro walked over to me and helped me out of the pipe prison. He then held me close to him, as if he was still trying to protect me. I held onto his jacket, as his arm slipped around my torso. For a moment, I felt safe... until the boat started to creak.

"The whole boat is twisting up!" Anne cried.

"Don't worry about that. We have to get to the boats we came in on," Jotaro stated bluntly.

Anne and I ran to change into our clothes, and all of us headed back to the boats. From the ocean, we watched as the orangutan's stand shriveled up into nothing.

"Unbelievable... So that monkey used his stand to get all the way out here?" Avdol asked in disbelief, "That's the first time I have ever encountered something that powerful."

I tuned them out. I stared at my lap, trying to get the memories out of my mind. I thought this trip would help me get rid of those memories, not bring them back...


Omg, what's gonna happen???

My apologies for not postina chapter yesterday, I was busy and could not post.

Thank you guys for reading, and I hope you have a good day!

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