Chapter 3- Never Get On A Plane With Mr. Joestar

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All five of us had managed to grab plane tickets to Egypt, which was extremely convenient. We all grabbed our seats and began to settle down. Of course my seat was in between Jotaro and Kakyoin. I knew the flight would be long, so I decided I would catch up on some missed sleep.

As the plane soared across the sky, I began dozing off. My head softly fell onto Kakyoin's shoulder as I fell asleep.

As I was sleeping, I could hearing a faint buzzing. It started to get louder as I began to stir. I lifted my head off of Kakyoin's shoulder and let out a yawn.

Kakyoin chuckled, "Sleep well?"

I grunted at him in response. I heard the buzzing again. It kind of sounded like a fly, but it was a little too deep to be a fly. My eyes darted around, trying to find where the pesky bug was at. I spotted a small moving object floating around the aisle.

"What's your problem?" Jotaro asked.

"There's a bug and it's bothering me, you got an issue with that?" I shot back.

Jotaro scoffed and looked away from me. I rolled my eyes and went back to finding the bug. I looked around the area until I found the bug again.

This definitely wasn't a fly, it was a beetle. But how did a beetle get on our flight? I summoned Chemical Romance and he jumped after the beetle. Chemical Romance was about to grab the bug when something unexpected happened.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, girl," the beetle warned.

"What the fuck?!" I screeched.

Some people looked at me weirdly. I glared back in response.

"Y/N what's wrong?" Kakyoin asked me.

"There's a stand user on the plane!" I told him.

Joseph turned around in his seat, "Is that what all the commotion is for?"

"That beetle just fucking talked to me!" I pointed at the bug that was floating around our area.

"Correct I did! And once this plane gets low enough, I'm going to take Miss L/N and we're going to safely jump out of the plane, leaving the rest of you to die!" the beetle laughed maniacally.

"I've heard of a stand that has extreme speed and precision. He likes to take the tongues out of his victims!" Avdol explained.

The beetle chuckled and flew off towards a man seated peacefully in the middle row of seats. It flew back behind his seat and zoomed forward. The pesky bug flew threw 5 people's heads. It flew up above the seats and I noticed it was holding something in its tongue.

"Are those..?"

"Bingo! I got their tongues," the beetle giggled.

"I was right.." Avdol said, "This stand is Tower of Gray!"

The bug flew towards the wall of the plane, and began using the blood from the tongues as ink. When the bug pulled away, a word was clearly written on the wall.

"Massacre..." I breathed out, "He's planning on killing everyone."

"Fine then," Avdol stepped forward, "I'll burn the damn bug alive!"

With that, he summoned Magician's Red and got to ready.

"Avdol! Just hold on a minute," Kakyoin said.

We heard a small groan and an old man rose up from his seat.

"It's so noisy on this plane," he groaned and stretched, "Might as well use the bathroom while I'm up."

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