Chapter 7- The Newbie

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The group of us walked towards the harbour as Mr. Joestar explained that the boat from the Speedwagon Foundation should be arriving soon. I manoeuvred my way through the tall men so I could get a good view of the harbour. The water was glistening beautifully under the bright sun. If only I brought a camera...

A figure stepped in the way of my view. I grunted as I noticed it was that Polnareff guy from earlier.

"Is there something else you needed, Polnareff?" Avdol asked.

"I still haven't thanked you yet," he said, "For freeing me from Dio's spell, I mean."

"Well, for that you should thank JoJo," Avdol responded.

Jotaro grunted and replied saying didn't need thanks.

Avdol hummed, "It seems there isn't anyone here to accept your kind thanks."

Polnareff had a defeated look on his face. I glared up at him and we made eye contact. He quickly averted his eye and began speaking again.

"I don't mean to be pushy, but there is something else I want to discuss. Monsieur Joestar, can I ask you a bizarre question?"

Mr. Joestar had a look of surprise on his face but gave Polnareff permission to ask anyway.

"Forgive my curiosity, but I noticed that while you were eating you didn't take your gloves off. Your left hand wouldn't happen to be a right hand, would it?" Polnareff asked.

"What? My left hand being a right hand?" Mr. Joestar was definitely surprised, "That really is a bizarre question. What do you mean?"

Indeed, it was bizarre. What was this Frenchman on about now?

Polnareff suddenly had a grim look on his face, "I'm looking for the man who killed my younger sister."

My eyes widened slightly. Who would do such a thing?

"I have no idea who he is. All I know is that he has two right hands."

Polnareff was still eyeing Mr. Joestar. The old man took off his glove, revealing a mechanical hand. I raised an eyebrow.

"I lost my hand in a battle 50 years ago," he explained, showing Polnareff.

Polnareff looked down, "I see. I apologise for my rudeness."

"If you don't mind, please tell us what happened."

Polnareff shut his eyes tightly and began explaining what had happened to his sister. About three years ago his sister was walking home from school with her friend. There was a man standing with his back turned to the two girls, and even though it was raining, the raindrops seemed to fall in a dome shape around the man. His sister's classmate's chest was cut open in the blink of an eye. Then... his sister was shamed and killed. The friend survived somehow, but she didn't see the man's face. Only his two right arms. It was horrible to hear that. That shouldn't happen to anyone, especially a young girl.

"No one believed my sister's friend, but I did! I believe that this man has a similar power to what I have been hiding my whole life!" Polnareff exclaimed.

He has to be a stand user. That would explain the dome of rain and how he able to attack so quickly.

"My sister's soul won't be at rest until I kill that man!" the Frenchman explained, "I will use my stand for retribution! But then, I met Dio a year ago."

Polnareff told us how when he met him, Dio showed him a crystal ball. Inside that crystal ball was the man with two right hands that Polnareff had been searching for. Dio put a flesh bud in Polnareff's head so he would come after us.

"I was then ordered to kill you," he said, "I thought it was the right thing to do."

"It's partially the flesh bud, but Dio is good at manipulating people," Avdol said sternly.

"I agree," I piped up, "But from what he just told us, Dio might've joined forces with the guy with two right hands."

Polnareff clenched his fists, "I've decided to go to Egypt with you all! If I go after Dio, I can find out who murder my sister and take revenge!"

We all stared at him for a moment.

"What do we do?" Kakyoin asked.

"Well, I don't have any objections," Avdol said.

Jotaro grunted.

"I'm pretty sure you'd follow us, even if we told you no," Mr. Joestar snickered.

I huffed and crossed my arms, "I don't think it's a good idea."

Mr. Joestar reached and hand out and ruffled my hair, "Nonsense, it'll be just fine."

I let out a small 'hmph', but nodded my head. Polnareff gave the group of us a smile.

"It's an honour."

Jotaro scoffed, "Yare yare da-"

"Excuse us!" a feminine voice called out.

I saw two girls run up to Jotaro. One held a camera in their hand.

"Could you take out picture for us?"

Both girls were smiling brightly at the tall man. I rolled my eyes and made a small gagging noise.

"Looks like the lady killer is at it again," I muttered.

I heard Kakyoin give a small chuckle, meaning he heard my comment.

"Thank you so much!" the girl called out again, "We want our backs toward the ocean."

I could tell Jotaro was about to break at any moment, it was only a matter of time. His fists were clenched, and his eyes were screwed shut. He abruptly opened his eyes.

"Shut the hell up! You're so damn annoying!" he growled at the two women.

Polnareff walked over to them, "Now, now... I'll take your picture for you, don't worry. Come, come. You have very nice legs, so we must get a full body shot."

I crossed my arms as I saw he was pointing the camera at the girls' legs. I sighed and shook my head. He took a bunch of pictures at different angles.

"Just one more!" he called out.

He snapped the camera one more time, then stood up from his crouching position.

"Very good!" he grinned at the two ladies, "Just like the button, I want to push, push, push your hearts towards mine."

I gagged. The group of us just stood there watching him.

"I don't understand his personality," Avdol sighed.

"That was a sudden change of mood," Kakyoin agreed.

"More like his head and his dick are clearly separated," I said blankly.

"Fuckin' weirdo."

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