Chapter 13- Memories

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If you guys face any of these things please, please, PLEASE tell someone and get help. I love you all dearly.


I laid down on my bed as I listened to my parents fight. It's not like this was a seldom occurance. This happened every day, I was very accustomed to it.  No matter what started the argument, it always went back to one subject.


I wasn't planned. My mother had me on accident. Fortunately, both of my parents wanted to keep me. Though they didn't plan on having a child, they were excited. Then I was born. Maybe the reality of being a parent set in. Maybe I was ugly. Maybe they just weren't prepared. They hated me for some reason. It was almost like I was Cinderella.

From a young age, I was expected to take care of everything. House hold chores, making meals, doing laundry, etc. The only thing they ever did for me, was let me go to school. The only place I could actually talk to people. That's the only reason I liked school. However, making friends was hard for me. I grew up learning to have a horrible attitude, so that's how I acted towards most people. I was never mean, just not friendly. I always had one friend though. He never left me. He always tried to be friendly, even if I pushed him away.

Hisashi was his name...

I loved him with all my heart. Him and I were inseparable. He was the only one who stuck around my whole school life. From kindergarten to sophomore year. He was the only one that allowed me to escape the neglect from my parents. Going back to them...

They left me alone every day after school. I came home to an empty household. They either went to the casino, went to the club, or went out somewhere else. No matter where they went, they always ended coming home drunk.

"Y/N!" I heard my father angrily yell at me.

I quickly jumped down the stairs and stood infront of him.

"Yes, father?"

My head was suddenly jerked to the side. A stinging sensation radiated throughout my cheek. In my 12 years on the earth, he had never hit me before, thankfully. Neither had my mother. Speaking of her... where was she? She normally staggered in with my father, never leaving his side. My father grabbed my shoulder, pulling me out of my thoughts. He dragged me behind him as he trudged up the stairs.

"Father..? Where are we going?" I asked him nervously.

He laughed lowly, "You're mother... I always knew she was a whore."

My eyes widened. What did he mean?

"I knew she had been sleeping around, but she really had the audacity to cheat right infront of me," he laughed louder, "How pathetic."

I started lightly shaking. He was seriously scaring me.


"Shut up!" he yelled at me.

He led me to his master bedroom. He pushed me inside and locked the door. He turned back to me, a malicious grin on his features. He stepped closer to me.

"Y'know..." he began.

For once, his tone with me was soft.

"Your mother was always jealous of your looks. She hates you because of that."

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