Chapter 14 - Polnareff Died

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Finally, Singapore.

The gang and I were trying to find a hotel to stay for the night. We were just standing around when we heard a whistle being blown.

"Hey! Hey you, right there!"

All of us turned around to see an officer with an angry look on his face.

He pointed at Polnareff, "You threw this trash, didn't you?! That's five hundred Singapore dollars!"

"What? Five hundred?" Frenchie blinked in confusion.

"In Singapore, the law states that you will be fined for littering!" the cop declared.

"Five hundred Singapore dollars..." Kakyoin mumbled.

"That's about 40,000 yen, correct?" I asked, "Still, I don't know what trash he's talking about."

"So uh.. what trash are you talking about?" Polnareff asked the officer.

Avdol snickered lightly.

"Oooohhh," Polnareff smirked, "All I see down there is my luggage. Would you kindly tell what trash you're referring to?"

The officer's face went pale with embarrassment, "T-That's your... luggage? I'm terribly s-sorry."

The guys began to laugh. I couldn't help but lend in my own little snicker. I heard laughing from the side. I turned to see Anne, still standing beside us.

"Hey, I thought you were going to see your father?" I asked.

I grimaced at the word father.

"You should move along and stop following us," Polnareff demanded.

Anne huffed, "I'm meeting up with him in five days. I can go wherever I want! I'm not gonna take orders from you guys."

She looked directly in my eyes. I stared back at her for a moment. She was lying, I could see it in her eyes. She was lying straight through her teeth. I threw her a knowing look, then walked back to join the group.

"She'll be in danger of she stays with us," Avdol stated firmly.

'Maybe she doesn't have any money," Kakyoin said.

"Hm... I guess we can pay for her hotel room then," Mr. Joestar gave in, "Polnareff. Bring her over here, but don't hurt her pride."

"Oi!" Polnareff called out to her, "You're poor right? Come with us, and we'll pay for your room for you."

I face palmed. This guy is really stupid.

"I'm terribly sorry, we're incredibly busy at this time of year. The rooms won't be next to each other, is that ok?" the receptionist asked.

"I guess we really don't have a choice.." Mr. Joestar sighed, "Avdol and I will share a room."

"Jotaro and I can share, since we're both students," Kakyoin said.

"Anne and I can room together," I suggested.

Anne's eyes sparkled and her face perked up when I said that.

"Awesome! I can relax in my own room!" Polnareff picked up his room key and swirled it around.

He began walking away from us, "Come on, we've been through hell since we left Hong Kong. Let's hurry up and take a shower where it's safe."

We all separated to our different rooms. Anne and I walked into ours and she flopped on the bed.

"Tired?" I asked.

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