¥How It All Began¥ pt.2

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When they got to the party everyone went there separate ways

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When they got to the party everyone went there separate ways. Alondra and Angelica where sitting drinking while the guys were making out with girls. Except for Rio he was sitting talking to a girl who was on his lap.

"This is boring" Angelica says to Alondra has she takes a sip of her drink.

"It really is, but it looks like we are not going to leave for a while" Alondra responds looking at the boys who were in their own little world.

After a few minutes Angelica looks at Rio to see that he was looking at her. They made eye contact making Angelica raise an eyebrow and chuckle as she breaks the eye contact and says something to Alondra.

"Ima go to the bathroom" she says while getting up as Alondra nods.

What she didn't know was that someone was following her in the process.

She makes it to the bathroom and starts fixing her hair and touching up her lipgloss, As she is doing that, the door opens to reveal Rio.

"What are you doing in here" she asked confused in why he came in.

"Sorry mama, I got bored and seen you went to the bathroom. Thought why not go." He says sitting on the toilet.

"Well I'm leaving any ways, so you came here for no reason." She says to him while going near the door, only for Rio to grab her wrist and now she is standing in between his legs.

"What are you doing Rio" Angelica says looking into his eyes.

"Something you know you wanna do" he responds in a raspy voice.

As he looks down at her lips and looking back at her, that's when they both leaned in with their lips now touching.

Making Angelica feel this weird affect in her stomach, almost has if it was exploding into a thousand pieces.

Rio leans more in, now with there lips fully together now moving in sync. Angelica's hands move onto Rio's neck ,While Rio moves his hands to her ass making Angelica smile on his lips.

But before anything got more heated , There was a knock on the door.

"Angelica cmon were leaving" Alondra yelled from behind the door, making Angelica jump a little.

"Okay we're coming" Rio yelled back. Making Angelica eyes go wide as he got up grabbed her hand and opened the door .'
That is how there love story began, and possibly ended.

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