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"So your vitals look perfectly fine, just try to cut back on the cigarettes" Angelica says to her patient with a smile

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"So your vitals look perfectly fine, just try to cut back on the cigarettes" Angelica says to her patient with a smile.

"You will be good to go tomorrow after-." She was cut off by her phone ringing, she looked at her phone and seen it was the school.

"Afternoon. Sorry I need to take this real quick. She tells her patient who smiles and nods.

"Hello" she says into the phone.

"Hi is this ms. Cruz" the principal said, making Angelica roll her eyes at the last name that she needed to change.

"This is she" she responded back.

"Hi, so I was wondering who is supposed to be picking Marcus up because it's been an hour and a half and know one came yet" the principal says on the phone.

After hearing that Angelica eyes went wide, she new Rio wouldn't commit to picking there son up, which made her even more mad.

"I'm sorry his dad was supposed to pick him up and bring him to practice and I pick him up from practice"She says

"Well he isn't here so we need someone to come get him" the principal says in a annoyed voice.

"I'm on my way" Angelica tells her before hanging up the phone.

As soon as she hangs up she went to go find Alondra. Once she found Alondra she went up to her.

" hey boo, do you think you can cover for me? I have to pick Marcus up from school because Rio forgot." She asked Alondra who looked at her in shock.

"Yeah, yeah of course, tell me when you get home" she says hugging Angelica.

"Okay thank you so much , I owe you" Angelica says before running out of the hospital building.

Once she got in the car she dialed Rio's number, but it went straight to voicemail. Which made her even more angry.

"What the fuck" she groaned as she throws her phone in her Louis viton purse and started to drive to Marcus school.

When she was at the school she got out of the car and walked up to the front desk, where she seen her son and the principal talking.

"Hi so sorry I'm late there was traffic" Angelica told the principal who looked at her and softly smiled.

"It's totally fine, we were just talking about ice cream" the principal told Angelica while looking back at Marcus.

"Mommy" Marcus says with a smile and ran to hug Angelica which she of course excepted.

" cmon we have to get you to practice"she tells him as she holds his hand.

"Thank you for staying with him, I promise this won't happen again, me and his dad just got a divorce so we've been trying to figure out a new schedule that fits us both". Angelica tells the principal who nodded and smiled.

"It's fine, bye Marcus" the principal says before walking away.

When she finally got Marcus to practice which luckily for her it just started, Acter she dropped him off she went straight home and the first thing she did was clean.

As she started to do the dishes the home phone went off.

"Hello" Angelica says has she answers the phone as she continued to do the dishes .

"Hey mama" A raspy voice answered making Angelica stop rinsing the cup.

"Rio" she questioned not sure if it was her ex husband.

"The one and only" he responds making Angelica eyes roll .

"You have some real explaining to do" she says in an angry tone.

"I know mama,I know" he sighs.

"Then fucking explain. Because I just asked you to do one thing, one simple easy thing and that was to drop off our son to practice pero no, so I had to call off of work to pick him up and drop him off when you were supposed to do that. So tell me what was more important than picking your son up from school"Angelica yelled throughly the phone.

"I know, trust me nothing was more important then picking him up but I got caught up and I need you to do something for me Por favor" Rio said through the phone.

"What do you need" she asked him annoyed.

" I need you to go to my loft and get the yellow envelope on the table. When you get it give it to Mick he will be outside" he says in a calm voice.

" what's going on" Angelica asked in a concerned voice.

"Nothing you have to worry about, now please do this" he says in reassurance.

"Okay, I'm heading there now" she says as she gets her keys of the island table.

"Gracias" he says before the line cut off.

but before she left the House something caught her eye on the TV. What she seen next made her realize what she was going back to, thinking she was done forever, She saw Rio on the news in handcuffs being escorted into a police car. She shook her head and ran into the car and started speeding off.

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